
Would anyone like to rent my LG G3 for a month?


I think I should check out the new Nokia Lumia 930. It’s been a while since I gave Windows Phone some decent usage attention. I need to use the 930 for at least a month.

So I’ve got to buy another phone. Yet again.

I therefore don’t need the LG G3. Not at the moment, anyway. I won’t be able to use it as my primary phone.

I still need access to the LG G3. I need to have a top of the range Android device available to me mid-September for the end of September and the G3, with it’s funky smart watch, is useful. I have to demonstrate it a few times.

However I don’t need the G3 during August.

I am therefore going to try crowd renting the G3.

I reckon 10% of the cost is a fair amount for a month’s usage. So £40 plus insured delivery of approx £7. Call it £50.

Does anyone want to use the LG G3?

Am I nuts? Maybe. If you’re a Nigerian scammer or operating one of those “Windows Support helpline” scam call centres, I don’t think I’d like you to have the phone.

But there’s surely a few folk out there who’d like to test out the G3 for a bit of time and who a) can expense £50 and b) are honest enough to send me the phone back after 30 days.

I’ll wipe the device and send it next-day in a nice little padded envelope. I’ll even provide a padded return envelope too. I suppose I could also wear the return delivery charges as well.

What say you?

If you’re interested get me on @ew4n on Twitter or

It’ll be an interesting test anyway, right?