
MX Telecom caught in the middle, 75k fine from regulator

Link: Icstis Consumer – Adjudications

Icstis have published their latest round of adjudications and Alex was hot to it with the links and gossip. I’d only just received the PDF link from Icstis when Alex had the details in my mailbox. This time it involves well known, reputable aggregator MX Telecom.

Here’s the meaty paragraph:

The Secretariat became aware of the continued promotion and operation of the ‘Genuine Dogging Babes” service on shortcode 69997. The Secretariat obtained a copy of The Daily Sport newspaper dated 11th July 2006, where on page 18 there appeared a full page advertisement/promotion for the ‘Genuine Dogging Babes” service. Having viewed this advertisement/promotion, the Secretariat attempted and was successful in accessing the service. It therefore appeared that the service had continued to operate contrary to an ICSTIS sanction.

Genuine Dogging Babes?

I played around with about 10 different headlines for this post and eventualy decided not to try and be witty. One imagines MX Telecom’s client made an absolute packet with the service before the adjudication thus the fine shouldn’t hurt. I also imagine MX will pass the fine directly to their client.

It’s good to see some action by the regulator. Whether it’s effective is another question — particularly as the service ‘appeared’ to ‘continue to operate contrary to an ICSTIS sanction.’ That’s not good at all.