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el Chumpo’s unlimited data plan apparently en route

No, honestly!

el Chumpo, our affectionate name for UK mobile operator, o2, is shortly due to announce an unlimited data plan. It’s an open rumour. An open secret. o2 has been winding up it’s subscribers for quite a long time by refusing to extend unlimited data to anyone… except the lucky few who’ve managed to convince the retentions department that they are worth retaining.

Tony at The Register Hardware section reckons it’s more or less ‘expected’ within the next few weeks.

This, depite various folk at o2 being quoted explaining that their network simply cannot cope with unlimited data usage.


Don’t expect the world, though. Expect some shit, rubbish, half-baked unlimited-but-not-really stillborn data plan that lets you do F-all except browse Google without being billed four quid a minute.

Cynical? Me? Expect that, right, then if they surprise the world by doing a 3UK style ‘open pipe’ offering, we can all walk around with smiles on our faces for a few hours.


  1. I think is the pertinent bit:

    > This, depite various folk at o2 being quoted explaining that their network simply cannot cope with unlimited data usage.

    Presumably O2’s 3G network is still as poor as it has been for some time. Last time I heard, it was about the level of Three’s penetration 3 years ago. So they’re busy beavering away on getting Edge sorted..


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