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Another Vodafone data update

This is what I was busy writing when I got a call from Jakub, Vodafone spokesperson…

£1,120 to buy me out of my existing contract commitment with Vodafone. I just called their terminations line to establish how it would work. The lady, to her credit, did her best to try and win me over — but she wasn’t able to do anything on data other than 500mb.

So it’s just over a grand to exit from my Vodafone deal. I already paid 20% of that, effectively, in my data charges for April. I’ll do as the terminations lady suggested and wait ’til August — then I can swap my price plan to 20 quid a month and bish, bash, bosh, I can retire the account.

I’ve decided the way ahead. I’m going hunting for a Nokia N95 8GB to use on 3. I’ll sell my E90 — useless on Vodafone if I can’t use it for data purposes properly — and I’ll get a small, simple Nokia business phone to make calls with.

I’ll write up the call in a moment. You might be surprised by the outcome. I was. I missed a fundamental element with the new price plans…


  1. Ewan I just gave three a call, I am currently on x series silver. Asked if I could add a broadband bundle to my handset, so I can officially connect my handset to my laptop using bluetooth. Seems like they can do it just fine. It's a shame to see vodafone are unable to do so!

  2. Ewan,

    Send an email to the CFO of the UK, his PA will then forward it to the high touch customer service team who will seek to find a resolution that does not look like Vodafone are just a bunch of wheel clamping rip off artists.

    It might not work, but it did for me with Orange ;-).

    The problem is that the billing systems just are not built for Voice and Data. Before you head out the door, if you find that the network is good where you live,work,travel try and negotiate. The SAC for you means that they do have some room for movement but first you have to debate with a higher being.

    Good luck.

  3. ….so yet again, a blogger gets The Love, while the masses get……er……rhymes with 'plucked' :-/

    (waits with baited breath for update)

  4. Well I don't think so. I'd hardly define it as love. I was about to quit
    them, then Jakub pointed out their new service level that I hadn't
    recognised. So actually, there's not a lot of 'plucking' going on at all.

  5. Q: how many normobs would have had a call from the VIP team to clarify the vaguearies of the new offer?

  6. A: None

    Supplemental Question: How many normobs will be phoning Vodafone to
    complain about being over-billed on their 500mb inclusive plans next month?

    Supplemental Answer: None. At least that's what I've been told!

  7. ah, there's the rub, my UGC friend. The 500 is an arbitrary, nearly pointless figure. Even you had to do some serious maths to come close to an understanding of your use. And you can't check in real time online or any other way. Or get usage alerts.

    So sadly, lifting the limit from 120 to 500 merely shifts the normob fear barrier of mobile data uptake slightly to the right.

    10/10 for retaining a high-spender, but 1/10 for convincing the masses now is the time to go mobile wid' ya nets….

  8. Ah interesting perspective. We're not in a position to influence the masses
    — but we can certainly influence the people who influence the masses 😉

  9. ….so yet again, a blogger gets The Love, while the masses get……er……rhymes with 'plucked' :-/

    (waits with baited breath for update)

  10. Well I don't think so. I'd hardly define it as love. I was about to quit
    them, then Jakub pointed out their new service level that I hadn't
    recognised. So actually, there's not a lot of 'plucking' going on at all.

  11. Q: how many normobs would have had a call from the VIP team to clarify the vaguearies of the new offer?

  12. A: None

    Supplemental Question: How many normobs will be phoning Vodafone to
    complain about being over-billed on their 500mb inclusive plans next month?

    Supplemental Answer: None. At least that's what I've been told!

  13. ah, there's the rub, my UGC friend. The 500 is an arbitrary, nearly pointless figure. Even you had to do some serious maths to come close to an understanding of your use. And you can't check in real time online or any other way. Or get usage alerts.

    So sadly, lifting the limit from 120 to 500 merely shifts the normob fear barrier of mobile data uptake slightly to the right.

    10/10 for retaining a high-spender, but 1/10 for convincing the masses now is the time to go mobile wid' ya nets….

  14. Ah interesting perspective. We're not in a position to influence the masses
    — but we can certainly influence the people who influence the masses 😉


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