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I think I want a new mobile.

After having the pure pleasure of playing around with some interesting, new, and innovative mobiles and applicatons over the past couple of weeks; I’ve come to a conclusion that I want a new mobile.

I’ve been sitting here looking at mine, a Sony W810i, and it just looks so boring, and big, compared to everything else.  The thing is, I haven’t even had it that long, and I normally don’t just go off my mobile phones this quickly. Now however, I feel a sort of resent towards it.

However, I’m stuck with a horrible choice…
What mobile do I buy?

I’m extremely picky, and horribly indecisive, which makes buying anything almost near impossible. I also have a list of requirements, a FM radio, at least a 2 megapizel camera, a torch, and a good set of buttons. Ideally, I would love a QWERTY keyboard, or something along the lines of a Sidekick, but that isn’t going to happen.

I have a budget which I’m limiting up to £110 (there is absolutely no point in spending loads of money, to only be made quickly outdated by new technology). Also, I want something I can personalise. So that means either by a proper means, or in Sony ways – use some software, and reconfigure it a little.

Comment any ideas you have, because I’ve looked around on some websites, and nothing seems to be remotely inspiring. All the mobiles seem to be copying each other; they all look too “samey” if you get my drift? I’m not expecting massive innovation here, just something has a personality.

Or if you wish, feel free to drop me an e-mail at samantha@smstextnews.com – all ideas are welcome!


  1. well i just bought a n95 silver for 70 quid its wicked. It was a refurb from o2 however everything was brand new even the anti scratch stickers, problem you need to know someone who is on a o2 contract to buy one. The N82 is also wicked but pricey 🙁

  2. Hmm… I'll have a look around.
    You can get second-hand phones from quite a few places now – namely the CEX shops that are popping up everywhere.


  3. Samantha, why don't you write a positive piece for once – all you ever seem to do is moan and complain.

    Who knows…..if you were constructive or at least useful then maybe one of the established readers of this blog would supply you with a phone.

    Pretty bored of reading about your rants – Blyk are trying to do something innovative with mobile advertising and all you've done is knock a model that could reshape the future… don't make Sony Ericson your new target.

    Instead of lashing out at this comment, why not take the baton and run – A nice long piece about what WOULD work as a model for ad funded MVNO's… there's a title for you. Afterwards, you can revert back to writing riveting pieces on things like the sex life of a ping pong ball.

  4. Well, Samantha has had an awful mobile experience of late so she has every right to express how awful certain providers are.
    I'm absolutely sure Sam is not on a mission to moan about Blyk. Just change the name Blyk for O2, Vodafone, whatever and I'm sure we've all had similar issues with our current/past providers. Sam has just voiced it here and I just hope that Blyk et al take notice.
    BTW, Samatha, how about getting the iPhone?

  5. Hi CRocker,

    Thanks for the feedback, I'm open to everyone's views.

    As for this piece, it wasn't a moan. It was a simple question, I want a new phone, and I'm not sure what I want. The whole Blyk thing is a totally different sotry altogether, and I don't think I need to re-explain my experiences right here.

    I'm also not out to get a freebie, I was planning on making my new phone a present to myself as a reward for GCSE efforts. It's also all part of the consumer experience, which is always helpful when writing on Mobile Industry Review.

    Sony isn't my new target – actually, I'm quite fond of them. I have issues (as I'm sure most people do), with some mobiles, services, operators, signal, anything really. I don't intend on lashing out on Sony, because as of yet, I haven't yet been terribly let down by my current phone.

    I'm not lashing out here, and I appreciate your concerns, and actually, I haven't just written total rants. Everything has it's ups and it's downs, and I try to show that; I like to think of myself as a realist, although anyone is allowed to beg to differ.

    As for the sex life of a ping pong ball, where did you get that from?

    Thanks though,

  6. Hi Nacho,

    Thanks. You're right, I'm not out to moan about Blyk – you'll be surprised at how much I wanted Blyk to work. Secretly, I still hope, but I know nothing will come of it.

    As for the iPhone I'm getting the chance to play around with one shortly, so I'll see what I think of it. I have to say though, I'm not a fan – but can I won over?

    Thanks again,

  7. Yup, the 6120 is a solid choice. Mrs Mike42 loves hers, and when I used it I was amazed at how small it was yet could pretty much keep up with the S60 antics of the N95.

    You can pick up an as-new one on eBay from a reputable dealer for around the

  8. I don't know if you've already got a phone, but I'd recommend E71. Its a QWERTY, very slim, s60 and its quite good. Very durable. Comes with a 2GB memory card. Not a great camera though..I don't care for one.

  9. I don't know if you've already got a phone, but I'd recommend E71. Its a QWERTY, very slim, s60 and its quite good. Very durable. Comes with a 2GB memory card. Not a great camera though..I don't care for one.

  10. I don't know if you've already got a phone, but I'd recommend E71. Its a QWERTY, very slim, s60 and its quite good. Very durable. Comes with a 2GB memory card. Not a great camera though..I don't care for one.


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