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Next BlackBerry to dump HSDPA for EDGE

Can it be true? After finally getting into gear and making an HSDPA BlackBerry, RIM looks like it’s turning is temporarily turning its back on the speedy 3G in favour of slower EDGE devices

According to IntoMobile, the next addition to the BlackBerry family will be a lower end device called the Javelin, which will borrow from the BlackBerry Bold for good looks and functionality, but will mean a trade down in terms of speed in an effort to cut the final price of the handset.

My initial reaction was bafflement over why RIM would take such a backwards step, but there is a certain logic to the move: if RIM is trying to woo consumers, it makes sense to work on lower end users as well as its natural higher end heartland and presumably, there must be a few lighter data users who still wouldn’t mind having a good looking BlackBerry on their arm.


  1. its daft. bring on the HSDPA. They can also have the EDGE on board. I wourld like a Blackberry on nxt upgrade but not gonna downgrade from HSDPA.

  2. IntoMobile must be getting their updates by snail mail. BGR did a full rundown of the device.xml file in the Bold a few month's back which revealed the following devices:

    – Bold (duh), originally called the Meteor. Release imminent.
    – Thunder (or poss. “Storm”). Touchscreen-based, release anywhere from October (if you believe the rumours to Q1 2009)
    – Javelin: 3G-less bold, but better camera (3.2Mpx vs 2Mpx) and higher-res screen.
    – Kickstart – Fliphone style, designated 9100.

    Also, two as yet unknown devices – Seawolf, which appears to be another flipper with the addition of GPS, and a real weird one, the “Aurora”, which (a) has an 81** designation (suggesting similiarity to the current Pearl) but (b) has the same model number as the Thunder/Storm. BGR reckoned it could be a defunct prototype, but was guessing out loud. Personal theory – 2+2= Candybar style device (as they don't have one announced at the moment to succeed the Pearl), but incorporating a smaller touchscreen. My guess only (if it even exists).

    As for the Javelin appearing without HSDPA – horses for courses. The Bold & Thunder/Storm will offer it, that we know. However, as HSDPA/3G is about as much use as a choccy teapot if the mobile web is of no interest to you (other than draining your battery faster), RIM may as well offer something else up WITHIN THEIR RANGE to those people who that usage profile applies to, and if they can save themselves a few dollars in build cost to allow them to throw in a better camera/screen, why not indeed?

    Of course, if they'd just give ALL the 'berries decent cameras to start with instead of being perpetually 3 years behind everyone else… what are we up to now, 8Mpx on the immediate horizon? Sure, it's massive overkill (if I want a camera that good, I'll splash a couple of hundred on a good SLR), but just to keep up with the Joneses… would 5Mpx be too much to ask?

  3. IntoMobile must be getting their updates by snail mail. BGR did a full rundown of the device.xml file in the Bold a few month's back which revealed the following devices:

    – Bold (duh), originally called the Meteor. Release imminent.
    – Thunder (or poss. “Storm”). Touchscreen-based, release anywhere from October (if you believe the rumours to Q1 2009)
    – Javelin: 3G-less bold, but better camera (3.2Mpx vs 2Mpx) and higher-res screen.
    – Kickstart – Fliphone style, designated 9100.

    Also, two as yet unknown devices – Seawolf, which appears to be another flipper with the addition of GPS, and a real weird one, the “Aurora”, which (a) has an 81** designation (suggesting similiarity to the current Pearl) but (b) has the same model number as the Thunder/Storm. BGR reckoned it could be a defunct prototype, but was guessing out loud. Personal theory – 2+2= Candybar style device (as they don't have one announced at the moment to succeed the Pearl), but incorporating a smaller touchscreen. My guess only (if it even exists).

    As for the Javelin appearing without HSDPA – horses for courses. The Bold & Thunder/Storm will offer it, that we know. However, as HSDPA/3G is about as much use as a choccy teapot if the mobile web is of no interest to you (other than draining your battery faster), RIM may as well offer something else up WITHIN THEIR RANGE to those people who that usage profile applies to, and if they can save themselves a few dollars in build cost to allow them to throw in a better camera/screen, why not indeed?

    Of course, if they'd just give ALL the 'berries decent cameras to start with instead of being perpetually 3 years behind everyone else… what are we up to now, 8Mpx on the immediate horizon? Sure, it's massive overkill (if I want a camera that good, I'll splash a couple of hundred on a good SLR), but just to keep up with the Joneses… would 5Mpx be too much to ask?

  4. its daft. bring on the HSDPA. They can also have the EDGE on board. I wourld like a Blackberry on nxt upgrade but not gonna downgrade from HSDPA.

  5. IntoMobile must be getting their updates by snail mail. BGR did a full rundown of the device.xml file in the Bold a few month's back which revealed the following devices:

    – Bold (duh), originally called the Meteor. Release imminent.
    – Thunder (or poss. “Storm”). Touchscreen-based, release anywhere from October (if you believe the rumours to Q1 2009)
    – Javelin: 3G-less bold, but better camera (3.2Mpx vs 2Mpx) and higher-res screen.
    – Kickstart – Fliphone style, designated 9100.

    Also, two as yet unknown devices – Seawolf, which appears to be another flipper with the addition of GPS, and a real weird one, the “Aurora”, which (a) has an 81** designation (suggesting similiarity to the current Pearl) but (b) has the same model number as the Thunder/Storm. BGR reckoned it could be a defunct prototype, but was guessing out loud. Personal theory – 2+2= Candybar style device (as they don't have one announced at the moment to succeed the Pearl), but incorporating a smaller touchscreen. My guess only (if it even exists).

    As for the Javelin appearing without HSDPA – horses for courses. The Bold & Thunder/Storm will offer it, that we know. However, as HSDPA/3G is about as much use as a choccy teapot if the mobile web is of no interest to you (other than draining your battery faster), RIM may as well offer something else up WITHIN THEIR RANGE to those people who that usage profile applies to, and if they can save themselves a few dollars in build cost to allow them to throw in a better camera/screen, why not indeed?

    Of course, if they'd just give ALL the 'berries decent cameras to start with instead of being perpetually 3 years behind everyone else… what are we up to now, 8Mpx on the immediate horizon? Sure, it's massive overkill (if I want a camera that good, I'll splash a couple of hundred on a good SLR), but just to keep up with the Joneses… would 5Mpx be too much to ask?


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