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3UK are set to launch a new unlimited package

Over at Mobile News they are reporting that 3UK are set to launch a new unlimited package at £15.

Unlimited calls, texts to 3 customers and 1GB data to boot

3 last week revealed it’s to launch a new £15 unlimited calls and text tariff through stores in November.

The deal, which also includes 1GB of data, will be available for both new and eligible upgrading customers, but will not include any cross net calls to other networks.

The announcement came at a 3 press gathering in response to the network’s determination to offer consumers better packages for cross network calling but is restricted due to mobile termination rates.

Here at SMS Text News we are a big fan of of the idea of an truly unlimited plan, and it seems 3 have identified that there is a gap in this market. As Ewan would always say he would gladly pay £80 a month so he knows he gets no nasty shocks when he his bill comes.

At £15 a month I think this is a wicked deal, I have slowly been switching over my friends to 3UK onto their impressive Mix and Match plans whilst I still am on Flext T-Mobile’s version. The only sad thing about this deal is the lack of inclusion of cross network minutes, are we going back to the days where we have to convince our mates to be on the same network as us?

3UK as an operator turn me on in so many ways,  they are genuinely (in my opinion) trying to change the landscape of the industry, I mean only yesterday did we post about the new router. Not only that but can you tell me anywhere where you can still get?;

  • 6 month contracts
  • roaming on their sister networks and the minutes come out of your allowance
  • 1gb of data for £5
  • 750 Minutes and Unlimited Texts for £25 a month
  • £30 credit for your and your friend for introducing them to 3

Reading this you would think I either work for Three or I own a lot of shares in the company. I don’t they are an operator that still excites me, and you can guarantee they are one operators I am looking to switch to when my contract runs out in December. The only one thing I feel they are lacking is the lack of Sim Only plans on a rolling month contract.


  1. “The only one thing I feel they are lacking is the lack of Sim Only plans on a rolling month contract.”

    And UK call centres. If they did that, and did it right, they'd be just about perfect in my book!

  2. It's not generally bad, and in their training for offshore call centres seems to be among some of the best I've experienced, but it's still far from perfect and script-driven!

  3. er….I think the hint is in the title: Unlimited calls/texts to 3 customers, 1GB data.

    So no, you do not get unlimited calls to other networks, and you do not get unlimited data.

    Maybe I'm being slow here, but exactly what part of that is unclear?

  4. i guarantee it will be sold in away that makes it as unclear as mud. 😉

    actually the copy said

    Unlimited calls, texts to 3 customers and 1GB data to boot

    semantically that read to me that 3 customers are getting unlimited calls
    and text and 1gb of data

    blah blah blah its still a crap deal when you look into it and its actual hidden costs

  5. Sorry, but everyone I've spoken to thinks this is very clear, and is the best deal to date from any MNO.

    If it said “Unlimited calls, texts FOR 3 customers” that would be misleading. But it doesn't.

    Or are you suggesting it should read “Unlimited calls, texts to 3 customers that is where you pick up your 3 phone and dial another person on 3 and press send and they answer the call on their 3 phone and talk to you”

    Just how stupid are some people supposed to be? If all marketing required this level of explanation the world would be a horrible place to be :-/

    There are no hidden costs that I can see – maybe you could elaborate?

  6. the fact that when you call any of your non – 3 friends – currently about 90% of mine. i would be charged for the call.

    they currently charge £15 for 100s of x network minutes and free 3-3 calls
    on mix and match.
    so this seems kind of worse.

    actually this one is £12 for 100 x-network plus 'unlimited' 3-3
    <a href=”http://threestore.three.co.uk/mixnmatchphone.aspx?phonecode=3SKYS23DSL&mixnmatch=1″>http://threestore.three.co.uk/mixnmatchphone.as
    plus a free skype phone.

    though its £17 with internet max added on.
    so £2 for 100 xnetwork minutes seems ok

  7. Sorry, but everyone I've spoken to thinks this is very clear, and is the best deal to date from any MNO.

    If it said “Unlimited calls, texts FOR 3 customers” that would be misleading. But it doesn't.

    Or are you suggesting it should read “Unlimited calls, texts to 3 customers that is where you pick up your 3 phone and dial another person on 3 and press send and they answer the call on their 3 phone and talk to you”

    Just how stupid are some people supposed to be? If all marketing required this level of explanation the world would be a horrible place to be :-/

    There are no hidden costs that I can see – maybe you could elaborate?

  8. the fact that when you call any of your non – 3 friends -or landlines etc. currently about 90% of mine. i would be charged for the call.

    they currently charge £15 for 100s of x network minutes and free 3-3 calls
    on mix and match.
    so this seems kind of worse.

    actually this one is £12 for 100 x-network plus 'unlimited' 3-3
    plus a free skype phone.

    though its £17 with internet max added on.
    so £2 for 100 xnetwork minutes seems ok

    also arguing over the wording of someone else's copy is a bit pointless – lets see how 3 word / promote it when they actually bring it out.

  9. er….I think the hint is in the title: Unlimited calls/texts to 3 customers, 1GB data.

    So no, you do not get unlimited calls to other networks, and you do not get unlimited data.

    Maybe I'm being slow here, but exactly what part of that is unclear?

  10. i guarantee it will be sold in away that makes it as unclear as mud. 😉

    actually the copy said

    Unlimited calls, texts to 3 customers and 1GB data to boot

    semantically that read to me that 3 customers are getting unlimited calls
    and text and 1gb of data

    blah blah blah its still a crap deal when you look into it and its actual hidden costs

  11. Sorry, but everyone I've spoken to thinks this is very clear, and is the best deal to date from any MNO.

    If it said “Unlimited calls, texts FOR 3 customers” that would be misleading. But it doesn't.

    Or are you suggesting it should read “Unlimited calls, texts to 3 customers that is where you pick up your 3 phone and dial another person on 3 and press send and they answer the call on their 3 phone and talk to you”

    Just how stupid are some people supposed to be? If all marketing required this level of explanation the world would be a horrible place to be :-/

    There are no hidden costs that I can see – maybe you could elaborate?

  12. the fact that when you call any of your non – 3 friends -or landlines etc. currently about 90% of mine. i would be charged for the call.

    they currently charge £15 for 100s of x network minutes and free 3-3 calls
    on mix and match.
    so this seems kind of worse.

    actually this one is £12 for 100 x-network plus 'unlimited' 3-3
    plus a free skype phone.

    though its £17 with internet max added on.
    so £2 for 100 xnetwork minutes seems ok

    also arguing over the wording of someone else's copy is a bit pointless – lets see how 3 word / promote it when they actually bring it out.


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