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We talk with Simon Ainslie, CEO of Nokia UK

Simon Ainslie, CEO of Nokia UK answers our questions about their new Comes With Music service, launched here in London last week.

Here’s the streaming video:

Now, we’ve changed things around somewhat. Most weeks, we’re producing a MIR Show around 30 minutes — sometimes as long as 35 minutes. Whilst we’re getting tons of downloads (and views), thirty-five minutes is quite a commitment in terms of time and attention.

In particular I’ve been wanting to see how you all react to smaller vignette style features. I think these might be more accessible for a lot more of the wider audience who don’t necessarily want to sit down and watch the whole show.

There won’t be one big show this week. Instead, it’ll be split across the week — one per day. We’ll add them into the podcast streams as daily episodes too.

I can foresee this being slightly annoying for those of you used to a complete packaged ‘show’, but I also like the fact that, for the first time, we’ll be able to publish our features on Youtube and other streaming video sites (that insist on <10 minute videos).

Please tell us what you think?


  1. Apologies for my absence – I had to get off to a meeting so couldn't stay to wrap up the show…

    Great job guys and, after actually watching it back, I'm *really* excited by Comes With Music….

  2. I prefer everything in one big show. I'm not going to come and watch every piece over the course of the week. Sorry. It is even worse if you're downloading (which I do sometimes) – in these instances I want the hassle of multiple download. Yes it is a time commitment, but there's also a pause button for a reason.

  3. Do both formats. More is, er, more.

    Let the people decide how to consume. Just serve it up, nice'n'toasty.

    Some things are urgent / timely, like NCWM, others can wait.


  4. My worry is that the short segments will make the MIR Show nothing but MIR…. with no show.

    There's nothing wrong with the video above. It's good, but it's nothing compared to watching a half hour show that I'll happily connect up to the family TV and watch with others.

  5. Excellent feedback, please keep it coming. One day we simply started recording the show in video so there's been next to no direct strategy behind it, therefore we rely heavily on your feedback. I'm thinking that we should put up segments on to the likes of Youtube and also publish a weekly compendium in one package with a clearly defined start, middle and end as we have been doing recently.

  6. I think it's safe to say that we were all incredibly impressed with the way Simon actually knew what he was talking about. Much better than a certain other handset manufacturer's execs we could mention!

  7. I liked his response to your rather impertinent 'do you come with music?'
    question Dan. That was a good test of his character, I reckon. He's a true

    2008/10/27 Disqus <>

  8. I agree, the MIR show needs to stay as a show rather than segments. Segments get lost and lose interest too, a show is there for a good 30 min viewing, it's almost as good as Heroes! – OK that's an exaggeration!!

  9. Indeed, although I disagree that it was impertinent; it was technically Nokia's own joke as the attendees all had passes saying “I Come with Music”. I thought it was rather in-keeping with the feel of the evening.

  10. I agree that breaking the show up into segments will lose some of the existing show's tempo and personality. Both would be great. You guys do such a great job of filling that 30 or so minutes with pertinent, new, and interesting information that it feels like a 10 minute show. I'm all for having it broken out and posting it on YouTube for extra exposure. I would likely also pass on the segmented clips when I just want a colleague to view one interview or review. Right now, I send the video and tell them to forward to the 14:35 mark, for example, to show them what I wanted.

  11. Nope. Keep it as it was – a SHOW – I find it easier to make time once a week to sit and watch rather than have to worry about lots of little segments. Don't mess with perfection!


  12. at least i can look forward to getting a little fix everyday, as opposed to indulging monday night and then waiting another whole 7 days for the next show.
    don't cut out normob, i always look forward to that.

  13. That would be brilliant. Alas I doubt he will have the inclination to do that — despite being a mobile hero — and I suspect his agent will demand a heckuvalot of cash for that.


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