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Legitimate unlocked T-Mobile G1 is available

News of the availability of the HTC Dream T-Mobile G1 Android based mobile phone has just reached us.

Sadly from the post seen here, it appears you have to be registered as a developer to obtain such wonderment. As it’s really geared up just for them and them alone, but who’s to say we aren’t all developers at heart.

We’re sure most of us have drunk our fair share of redbull in the past and stayed up to see dawn more than three days in a row. Doesn’t that qualify us all? Surely it does.

From reports it appears to have the cost attached of just $399, or around £286. With UK ordering also being available from the main site – Android Market on http://www.android.com/market/

Going under the moniker ‘Android Dev Phone 1′, it appears to all be above board and a legitimate SIM free unlocked mobile running Android 1.0. Just in case you were after such a beast and you’re still tied in to your contract for another 9 years, or something like that.

There’s more to be seen here, on what you need to do to qualify for the ADP1. Not that we’re endorsing in anyway shape or form deceiving Google *cough*

Also, you do need to sign up to become a developer here as well.

If this all seems too much bother, then it probably is.

Seeing as the deal with Nokia and Symbian is all wrapped up, done and dusted, put to bed, etc – perhaps an unlocked SIM free N97 could be obtained too.

For the purposes of development of Symbian, of course *cough* *cough*


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