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MIR Show HD – Microvision Projector

For those of you who thoroughly enjoyed watching the Microvision Mobile Projector video we published last night, here it is again — in glorious HD format. It looks pretty good at full screen on my 28″ monitors.

Here’s the video:

The Microvision Mobile Projector from Mobile Industry Review on Vimeo.


  1. Brilliant! The fact that it's non-focus is the best part.

    I wonder what laws this technology will bring, once there's flashing distracting video being projected onto every dark surface?

  2. Well, I'm a Microvision shareholder avid for any new information concerning MVIS's pico projector. I always thought I was a pretty tolerant, liberal sort of guy but when I 'm forced to focus on the bizarre body piercings worn by one of the participants, rather than focus on what it is they're saying about Microvision, I have to wonder what it is that impels him to draw attention to himself that way. Oh well, I'm just another old fart, I guess. Good luck to Microvision anyway.

  3. That's fantastic. I am utterly amazed at its capability. Before I saw it in action I thought the image would be small and disappointing. And its going to be at a price point that could put it in the hands of consumers/small biz extremely easily. Roll on the launch!

  4. Ricardo, if you are really distracted from the message by something that shallow, one wonders how you maintain a portfolio.

    Don't worry though – unfounded prejudice and the ill manners to express it publicly are not restricted to Microvision shareholders. We think leather belt holsters are just weird.


  5. You're new 'round here, yes?

    If you don't like the look of the people providing some fairly valuable coverage to a firm you claim to hold shares in feel free to go elsewhere. You don't get to decide the dress code until you pay the bills.

  6. Ricardo, I'm usually a lot friendlier to people who say nice things about companies in which I have a financial interest!

    For the record I don't believe that at any point you were forced to look at my piercings, they had far less coverage than the Microvision pico projector. I suggest that you write to the board of directors at Microvision and request that stricter checks be placed on who is allowed to review the product. Perhaps you should only allow reviews by Klan members since their outfits make such great projection screens.

    For what it's worth, I went to great lengths to secure the interview with Russell in a room we weren't supposed to be using. I made Russell wait while we badgered the poor event organisers at Mobile World Congress to have a technician come to the venue to turn the stage lights down so we could show Microvision's projector in all it's glory. I'm sure a lot of people would have taken a few photos and some half-assed video of the product working in a brightly lit room with black walls and been done with it but I actually believe in Microvision's product and wanted to convey that to our viewers.

    Unlike you, Ricardo, I don't have any financial interest in Microvision.

  7. DanLane: I am also an investor in Microvision. I don't care if you did the review with horns and a third eye. It was a great review of a great product. I can't wait until I can get my first Microvision product. My wife thinks I am a nut because I get so excited when I tell people about what microvision has to offer. See your reaction to the ShowWX just helped confirm my sanity. The next few years are going to be really exciting as we see this technology show up in phones, laptops, gaming consoles, heads up displays in cars, wearable display. Keep up the good work.

  8. Ewan,

    Many of us are wondering how you got the meeting with MVIS. Some say Sony-Ericson set it up…
    Two guesses … either you requested it (my first choice) or MVIS contacted you ( I don't think so)

  9. “I don't care if you did the review with horns and a third eye”

    So you've seen him in his true form? I thought it was only apparent viewed from the mirrored screen of an LG…

  10. Hey Martin,

    Just to be clear:

    Sony Ericsson had *nothing* to do with the meeting itself. To clarify – We wanted to demo the Microvision projector on a big screen. It just so happened that the person who was running access to the room we demo'd in was the exact same person that gained us access to a Sony Ericsson preview party late last year.

    That is the only connection.

    Regarding who triggered the meeting, I think you'd have to ask Ben and/or Dan.

  11. Dan was aware of the product from media coverage at previous shows, so was keen to see the product. We got an offer of a meeting from Microvision's PR people (along with about 800 other invites as is the norm for these shows…), accepted and that was it.

    We're not shareholders and we're not promoting Microvision any more than any other firm wed were impressed with at MWC.

  12. Ewan,

    Many of us are wondering how you got the meeting with MVIS. Some say Sony-Ericson set it up…
    Two guesses … either you requested it (my first choice) or MVIS contacted you ( I don't think so)

  13. “I don't care if you did the review with horns and a third eye”

    So you've seen him in his true form? I thought it was only apparent viewed from the mirrored screen of an LG…

  14. Hey Martin,

    Just to be clear:

    Sony Ericsson had *nothing* to do with the meeting itself. To clarify – We wanted to demo the Microvision projector on a big screen. It just so happened that the person who was running access to the room we demo'd in was the exact same person that gained us access to a Sony Ericsson preview party late last year.

    That is the only connection.

    Regarding who triggered the meeting, I think you'd have to ask Ben and/or Dan.

  15. Dan was aware of the product from media coverage at previous shows, so was keen to see the product. We got an offer of a meeting from Microvision's PR people (along with about 800 other invites as is the norm for these shows…), accepted and that was it.

    We're not shareholders and we're not promoting Microvision any more than any other firm wed were impressed with at MWC.


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