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Who do you recommend for UK Blackberry Exchange hosting?

Martin emailed me this morning with this question:

Who do you recommend for Blackberry Exchange hosting in the UK? There are plenty of suppliers advertising on Google, just, we’re not sure who to go with. Who do your readers use?

Martin, the only companies I’m aware of and have tried are American (e.g. Mailstreet and Intermedia). I found them reliable and responsive but I’m afraid I haven’t tried any UK Blackberry Exchange hosting companies myself.

Do you have any recommendations for Martin?


  1. http://m.google.com/sync

    the words “UK Blackberry Exchange hosting” just don't make sense, in so many ways. i've always thought RIM were just lucky, they have no USP whatsoever, their business is copycat and replicable, what's the point in RIM?

    first of all “UK”, so what?
    “Blackberry”, so just any phone that does email then
    “Exchange”, so they're using MS tech? again, what's the USP?

    or am i just clueless on this one? 🙂

  2. I'm a huge user of Google Sync, Josh. I love it!

    But there are quite a few folk out there still dependent (for one reason or another) on Blackberry, Exchange and a hosting provider!

  3. Blackberry and Exchange in general are dead systems walking. Google will eat them within 2 years. They cost such a massive amount to set up and administer, and are so restricted in what users can do, collaborative-wise. Having just migrated 100 staff to GApps, it's like a window has been thrown open. All of a sudden people are collaborating and connecting like never before. And before anyone mentions the recent GMail outage, no, it didn't affect us at all as we had IMAP clients set up in parallel. And Google's uptime stats beat the crap out of even the best-run Exchange server. GApps is the biggest thing in enterprise IT for a decade. It may take a while for word to get around the CIO/CFO world that they are paying MS et al millions for self-perpetuating crud that still needs loads of support. But it will happen. Some 30k+ employee firms have migrated. Many more will follow.

    And to the point, Google have a free Blackberry app that sync's everything, and does a better job of it than Blackberry's native apps do.

  4. I'm a fully paid-up Google Apps fan — their sync support is fantastic (they now do Apple address book natively, I read, in Snow Leopard, still waiting for my copy). However Martin still wants to use Exchange (Outlook) and Blackberry……..

  5. i use SImplyMS – http://www.simplymailsolutions.com , we are a small company and i don't want to waste time and resource on Exchange and email in general. pricing is per mailbox and the service is superb. I use a fulll Outlook client, multiple laptops, iPhone fully Sync'd , Nokias fully sync'd and OWA.

  6. I'm a fully paid-up Google Apps fan — their sync support is fantastic (they now do Apple address book natively, I read, in Snow Leopard, still waiting for my copy). However Martin still wants to use Exchange (Outlook) and Blackberry……..

  7. i use SImplyMS – http://www.simplymailsolutions.com , we are a small company and i don't want to waste time and resource on Exchange and email in general. pricing is per mailbox and the service is superb. I use a fulll Outlook client, multiple laptops, iPhone fully Sync'd , Nokias fully sync'd and OWA.

  8. I have used mail2web.com for a few years. they are based in toronto, but work all hours and are good at tech responses and general things.. worked well for me in china.


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