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Anyone for BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express? It’s free!

Just got this in from BlackBerry’s European PR:

Research In Motion (RIM) has today launched BlackBerry® Enterprise Server Express as a free download from www.blackberry.co.uk/serverexpress. BlackBerry® Enterprise Server Express is free new server software that wirelessly and securely synchronizes BlackBerry® smartphones with Microsoft® Exchange or Microsoft® Windows® Small Business Server. Learn more about BlackBerry Enterprise Server by clicking here.

Organisations that wish to install the software are recommended to utilise the supporting materials for download, by first checking their system requirements and then following the user installation guidelines. The features of the software can be found here.

I think this may well be of interest to quite a few readers. You get the following features:

* Manage smartphones in your organisation, including resetting passwords, or remotely wiping lost or stolen smartphones. Choose from over 35 IT policies.
* Define policy settings using IT policy templates
* Delegate tasks with 6 preconfigured IT administration roles.
* Deploy and manage applications over-the-air
* Schedule device, application and IT policy updates
* Update BlackBerry® Device Software wirelessly without users having to bring the device to IT

The key point is that it can be installed and run on the same server that’s running your Exchange software so you don’t have to mess around with additional servers and licenses. Absolutely ideal if you’re an SME wanting to deploy BlackBerry without the huge traditional overhead.

There’s a test environment being setup for the media — I’ll try it out and let you know what I think.


  1. the only issue with this solution is that you need all of your users on BIS and then you have to manually re-provision each device via a cable it can not be done OTA, also there are limited security profiles with this solution..

  2. Give then fact that A) IT works on BIS consumer tarif, b) its meant for small groups or company anyway. I dont see that bbdesktop as a huge factor considering they absolutely huge about of dosh you will be saving from not using a BES data tarrif (40 quid a month average), and the CAL's. I have 1000+ users on a bes server and whilst I wont move them over. that would be stupid. i will train up my exchange support people to become besx smart. i will decentralize my support for bes into locations and groups. install hump is a bugger but after that well (ANYWAY….) first things is first, install it and run it for 3-6 months see how it goes… (im counting the cash I will save monthly) PLEASE NOTE. only BES DATA ACCESS is available in CHINA . There is NO BIS service offered that AT ALL… the local carrier only allows access via a BES DATA PLAN, you need to supple your own bes server and exchange server. costs 60 pounds a month for 50mb of BES DATA. no bargin there.

  3. Its great news for the SME and business sectors as they will be able to run their own BESX server at no extra cost, however i imagine that operators will not support the installation or any issues with the BESX unless you pay for it and RIM do not support anyone via the phone so its all self support.

    I would imagine it is not to difficult to setup and again the only issue you really have is the fact that you have to connect each device to the server to provision the device and you only have access to a few of the security scripts.

  4. This is not actually true. Activation can still be done wirelessly if the individual has BES provisioning. And when you say limited security profiles you mean that 35 seperate IT policies isn't enough? Most full BES environments don't use more then 2 or 3 anyway so I doubt it'll be missed.

  5. That's quite an advertising trick. Still, if both parties, the clients and BlackBerry, are happy, why not do it. I wonder, can anyone download it? I mean, will it work for individuals or only for companies?
    Sandra Millhouse | VPS hosting

  6. BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express was new to us, but we could immediately see the attraction. Lots of employees want to use their own personal phones for work purposes, but traditionally we’ve been quite restrictive in allowing them to do so.
    It took us a fair while to install the software, but once it was up and running it didn’t take long to get to grips with it. Confiiguring settings and distributing apps to one or many users was a breeze and most IT admins will immediately be able to find their way around the clean and straightforward web interface.
    For a company of our size, it provided just about the right level of control over users’ smartphones. You can’t go wrong with BESX – it allowed us to provide secure mobile access to many more employees, and didn’t cost a penny.
    It’s a clever way for BlackBerry to offer support for its phones without the overheads of a managed service.


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