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Flirtomatic: Liberal Democrats surge ahead on Super Snogs

Flirtomatic, the Great British mobile flirting success story has been running a general election poll. (If you’re not up on British politics, there’s a general election due tomorrow)

As all of Flirto’s users are 18+ and they’re fairly evenly spread across the country, it could well represent a reasonable youth demographic. Since April 30th, Flirtomatic have been running three different user profiles for each of the party leaders. The concept being that users ‘vote’ for each party by sending a ‘SuperSnogs’ to the relevant leader. If, for example, you are enamoured with Gordon Brown of the Labour Party, you would thus send him a snog, right? You can also ‘rate’ them out of 10.

So what are the stats? In current winning order:

Nick Clegg: Rated 6.9 out of 10 and has 34.3% of SuperSnogs

David Cameron: Rated 5.7 out of 10 and has 33.8% of SuperSnogs

Gordon Brown: Rated 5.8 out of 10 and has 31.9% of SuperSnogs

Here, for your viewing pleasure, are the profiles of each of the leaders:

(Shown in alphabetical order by surname, no favouritism here at Mobile Industry Review — we are apolitical — that is, we’re caring capitalists. Like a cross between Mother Teresa and Gordon Gekko.)

Over 10,000 Flirtomatic users have been minded to case a SuperSnogs vote in the past 5 or so days — demonstrating that the Flirto team most definitely caught the zeitgeist on this one. SuperSnog polls stay open ‘until 10am tomorrow, so don’t delay in casting your vote!

There is a prize, too. All of the Flirtomatic users who snogged the winner will win 10 free SuperSnogs each.

(By the way, you can get a tour around the Flirtomatic offices, courtesy of Mobile Developer TV, right here).


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