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We can’t be very far away from iPhone 5 madness…

Can you feel it in the air?

After the initial hive of activity back in August, it’s gone all quiet on the iPhone 5 front.

There’s been the odd story now-and-again, but I think it’s fair to say that all the ‘it’ll be September 15th’ (or whenever) speculators have quietly looked the other way as last week came and went.

It shouldn’t be long now though.

If things go to plan, we’ll start hearing about a launch event as invitations are sent out to the Valley’s tech press. That will get the tech planet buzzing toward fever pitch. Then we need one of the chaps at the Wall Street Journal to make ‘an informed prediction’ or something like that — ideally on the Thursday to give us all the weekend to wonder, before a Monday launch event.

We’re long overdue a bit of fever pitch now.

Given the fact BlackBerry DevCon is coming next month along with Nokia World, I think Apple will want the product out the door — or at least live, to overshadow those companies — pretty soon.

I’m looking forward to seeing how they present the device and the (new) strategy to the market.

And you know what, I’m tired of the iPhone 4. I’m getting bored looking at it now.

Is it just me? 😉


  1. I’m well ready for iP5. Lost my 3GS last month, insurance paid £510 for some bizarre reason, so it’s in the bank so to speak. Might even pay Dan to queue for me 😉

    Must confess to being smitten by iPad2, in a way I’d never though possible. Now reaching for it as email device-of-choice ahead of MBA. Ditto referencing docs during meetings. Just need to get handwriting sorted with a good stylus and NoteTaker HD and I’m done.

  2. I’m well ready for iP5. Lost my 3GS last month, insurance paid £510 for some bizarre reason, so it’s in the bank so to speak. Might even pay Dan to queue for me 😉

    Must confess to being smitten by iPad2, in a way I’d never though possible. Now reaching for it as email device-of-choice ahead of MBA. Ditto referencing docs during meetings. Just need to get handwriting sorted with a good stylus and NoteTaker HD and I’m done.


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