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Introducing the Gmail app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch and killing the BlackBerry app

Right then, have a read of this — it’s direct from the Google blog post announcing their Gmail apps for iOS:

Waiting. Walking. Watching TV. Working out. Winding down. Waking up. We check email pretty much everywhere these days. And when we do, we want easy access to our important messages so we can respond quickly and get back to life — or slinging birds at thieving green pigs.

With that in mind, we’ve created a new Gmail app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. We’ve combined your favorite features from the Gmail mobile web app and iOS into one app so you can be more productive on the go. It’s designed to be fast, efficient and take full advantage of the touchscreen and notification capabilities of your device. And it’s one more reason to switch to Gmail.

via Introducing the Gmail app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch | Official Gmail Blog.

Why the obsession over apps for iOS when there are 70 million folk with a BlackBerry whose Gmail app you’re about to kill?



  1. …because Google know – along with everyone else developing software – that of those 70M RIM customers, roughly 50M are not going to buy another one in the next year. They are flocking elsewhere, and RIM is in a death spiral. Google’s withdrawing is just another sign. As was Seesmic’s pulling out a few months back.

    Maybe RIM can survive as a niche premium business device manufacturer – like they once were. Instead of focusing on near-zero-margin low-end devices for teens, why not *nail* the business user? Bring what is – frankly – a sub-par UX into the iOS league of usability, while retaining the enterprise security/manageability RIM once were famed for. Also make it a hell of a lot easier to provision. RIM devices are nightmares to get set up.

  2. Rim is seriously lacking mind share, with a lack luster devcon, repeatedly failing to keep promises, and product schedules, failing to inform, failing to communication, failing to innovate (fast enough), failing to engage your customers (they did want to chase the consumer right?)  I am only guessing google, is looking elsewhere for innovation, and dumping rim development AS rim has announced that they will dump the JAVA platform for product development. So fair is fair right? Google and the world is moving on, to bad RIM is failing to keep up. 

  3. They key is that BBX is html5/c++ only. JAVA was announced to be DEAD, TOAST. RIM has pulled an OSBOURNE… preempting any good nature, good will that the current dev’s have. Most devs will not do ANY further work for RIM until rim ships product and they see it sells well. Doubt that will be ANY time soon. Next summer 2012 ? end 2012. We are all waiting and watching.  tap tap tap… 

  4. Disqus generic email template They’re not really a nightmare to get setup nowadays Mike!

    *From*: Disqus [mailto:]
    *Sent*: Friday, November 11, 2011 03:24 AM
    *To*: em@mobileindustryreview.com *Subject*: [smstextnews] Re: Introducing the Gmail app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch and killing the BlackBerry app

    [image: DISQUS]

  5. Was that sent from a Blackberry? 😉

    Actually, yes. Yes they are a nightmare. I have activated many dozens of Android and iOS devices in the last year or so in my competitor device management role. *Every* Android device has activated without issue. iOS likewise. But RIM ones? My oh my. Typically it’s a few days and several phonecalls to BES / BIS support to get it 100%.

    I’d say I’m far from typical in having jumped through the activation hoops so often, but that does make me qualified to comment I believe – RIM devices are by and large complete arses, and I really pity anyone managing a fleet of them.

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