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$600,000 available from Vodafone Americas Foundation for your project – be quick!

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I’ve long been an admirer of the Vodafone Foundation. I was introduced to it a good few years ago by a smart lady by the name of Aileen at Vodafone HQ. Since then I’ve had an eye on it’s developments.

I’ve been looking at the foundation from a global perspective though– not specifically the good work of the Vodafone Americas Foundation.

Last year they funded some superb projects including:

  • The first oral scanning tool that integrates camera phones and software for standardized imaging at a low cost is called Oscan. The device is currently being tested to detect early signs of cancer in patients in India, and is under further advancement at Stanford University’s Department of Bioengineering. Genius.
  • microfinance platform, called InVenture, deploys SMS-based accounting tools to help improve money management. These entrepreneurs are currently working with communities in India and Mexico, and have big plans to change the lives of people on every continent with their mobile innovation. A really smart concept.

Right now the call for entries for the foundation’s 2013 Wireless Innovation Project has just moved into it’s final call stage. The deadline is next Monday — the 13th of January 2013. They’re on the hunt for the best innovations using wireless technologies to address critical social issues, worldwide.

If you’ve got a wireless project — or if you know of a friend of colleague working on a wireless-related project — that is moving to the point where an advanced prototype can be created, or where market testing can take place, then you should take a very serious look at what the Vodafone Americas Foundation is offering.

The first prize is a $300,000 award, second gets $200,000 and third gets $100,000. That could really help push a project to the next step, along with the inevitable marketing exposure that comes with the award.

It is (perhaps obviously) aimed at Americans — that is you need to be either affiliated with a US University or have formed a non-profit corporation in the States as a condition of qualification. You can find out more on the application page.

Good luck!


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