The marketing layer for guest WiFi

I just came across this service and thought it worthy of a post. If you know anyone who’s looking to deploy (or already has) Guest WiFi access they might want to leverage to capture some useful metrics and even boost awareness.
Here’s the overview from their site: is a Marketing layer on top of guest WiFi. Our service helps venues learn about their visitors and establish stronger relationships with customers. Making valuable connections has never been easier
So, essentially, the concept is that when you try and sign-on for WiFi at your local pub, hotel or wherever, you’ll be prompted with a little message.
It’s actually a bit of a challenge to deploy this sort of thing if you have to code it from scratch and make it work with your specific router — it looks like has done all the hard work.
I’m not sure how easy it is to deploy but I’d imagine you just need to put in some kind of redirect on your router to activate the service. Smart!