
Swap your old iPods and mobiles for tickets from Ticketmaster

I saw this and thought… nice.

What’s the current mobile penetration rate in the UK? Something shocking. I reckon most adults in the country have got at least one, if not two or three old mobiles stuck in the sock drawer (or ‘Man drawer’, if you’re a Michael McIntyre fan).

Why leave your old mobiles and iPods gathering dust? You can recycle them and get a bit of cash back for them. Cash that you could use to go and see some good live music.

Or, you can skip that process and talk directly to Ticketmaster, who will happily take your old devices and give you credit in the form of a Ticketmaster Gift Card.

Redeem are the people plugging the gap and providing the phone/iPod recycling service and offering the Ticketmaster Gift cards.

Interested? Dig out that 4th Gen iPod and your Sony Ericsson K800i and go and see Oasis. More details here: