What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

Tag: chip

The Chip and PIN nightmare, Redux

Thank you to the team over at the GSMA's Mobile Money Exchange who re-published my Save Me From The Chip & PIN Nightmare post...

Save me from the chip & PIN nightmare, please!

I've had it with chip & PIN payments. I simply can't stand it any more. First, though, let me explain. A few years ago,...

Broadcom develops 802.11n chip for mobiles

A chipset has been unveiled by Broadcom, enabling WIFI in the shape of 802.11n for mobile phones. Along with the new wireless network standard it...

A chip on my shoulder ‘the size of a banana’

Rob Preston, 'a senior PR pro', was not impressed at this post I made back in August talking about how some public relations professionals...

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