What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

Tag: design

Eating your own dog food? A review of the GSMA’s MWC15 website

Today's guest author, James Roswell, is founder and CEO of 51Degrees, a company which provides mobile web optimisation services to more than 1.5 million...

Video: Nokia N9 design story — worth a look

Nokia is getting it. This is a glimpse of what's coming from the company. Suspend your disbelief about the current state of the company and...

The new Mobile Developer TV logo is coming soon

I’ve had a few people ask me why I’ve kept Mobile Developer TV with the default run-of-the-mill Wordpress theme at the moment. The answer is simple — I’m still working out the design

Mobile Monday Silicon Valley rocked

May 4, 2009 6:31 pm to 10:31 pm Mobile Monday Silicon Valley was fantastic this evening. There was a huge turnout on an uncharacteristically rainy San Francisco evening for the Location-Aware app demo evening. Skyhook Wireless kindly underwrote the bar and gave a pitch at the beginning of the series of presentations, outlining their rather excellent range of location services available to mobile developers

Mobile makers need to think about sex more

Analysts Gartner have put out a advisory criticising the mobile industry for being too male-centric. According to Gartner, "Sixty-eight percent of the world’s population...

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