What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

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Tag: James Whatley

MIR Show – James takes a SpinVox stand tour

We headed over to see regular MIR contributor and MIR Show star, James Whatley, at the SpinVox stand on the first day of Mobile...

MIR Show – James Whatley gets his MIR jacket

James has been busy on the SpinVox stand -- but we managed to grab him for a few minutes to award him his very...

MIR Show – jMac talks to James Whatley on mobile

In Jonathan MacDonald's ("jMac") next episode of his mobile advertising series here on Mobile Industry Review, he talks with James Whatley (of SpinVox and...

James Whatley hands-on with the Nokia N97

And what does the Nokia-fan-in-chief think of this pre-release version of the Nokia N97? Find out here: http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=2774851&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=00ADEF&fullscreen=1 James Whatley on the Nokia N97 from Mobile Industry...

A Twitter Debate with James Whatley

I rounded on Mr Whatley this evening. It's been a while since I'd had the opportunity to fire stuff at him and see how he...

Our very own James Whatley is on Telegraph TV with the Renoir

I was having a browse about the Telegraph website. Now and again the videos on the right-hand site start playing. Just a...

el bloggero del James Whatley

Alas I'm not very good at Spanish. But even my pigeon-Spanish can make out that this is a rather nifty piece about our...

The T-Mobile G1 & James Whatley: What a fooking annoyance

Here we are trying to get James Whatley, one of the most influential Nokia-fans on the planet, to play with and understand the new...

James Whatley’s on BBC Five Live

If you'd like to hear our very own James Whatley chatting on BBC Radio Five Live, you're in luck. James features this week in the...

Just WHO does James Whatley think he is?

You can read all about him here. If you're doing good things in mobile, you should be in our new Who's Who. Drop me...

James Whatley at the mothership

Here's regular MIR contributor, James Whatley, in full swing at the Nokia event today: Read and watch vids of the mothership event here.

James Whatley goes all Tom Cruise with Minority Report gloves on his PC

Oh to be Tom Cruise in Minority Report, eh? Oh, to walk up to your transparent 18ft wide screens, pull on your special gloves and...

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