What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

Tag: Mobile Services

The text message turns 22, but are its days numbered?

Earlier this month the humble text message turned an incredible 22 years old. It was on December 3, 1992 that 22 year old Neil Papworth...

Can you run a business from a smartphone?

The demands of running a successful business may mean having to be on call 24/7, and even though laptops and desktop PCs are ubiquitous, many executives are finding they...

Why the Cloud is here to stay

Nowadays, "the cloud" has become a buzzword but some people say it's the answer to every problem that we face in computing and mobile, while others are...

Apple Pay gains momentum

Apple's mobile payment system, Apple Pay, was launched last month in the U.S. and despite some resistance from a handful of retailers, initial usage figures are encouraging and...

The mobile payments revolution

Mobile payment schemes are a hot topic at the moment, fuelled by revelations about Apple's forthcoming  Pay service which is about to be rolled out...

Microsoft, smartphones and the cloud – a recipe for success?

Is the cloud and mobile-first strategy making any difference? Microsoft has set its sights firmly on the smartphone market with the acquisition of Nokia. Since the failure of Windows...

BlackBerry World: Samantha Stephens presents LogMeIn

Momchil here, with a video of Samantha Stephens presenting LogMeIn. LogMeIn is a "remote access company" it allows users to access various connected devices over...

Touchnote embedded on millions of Sony Ericsson handsets

Embedding -- where your application or service is preinstalled by a handset manufacturer or mobile operator -- is one of the oft-forgotten tactics to...

Flirtomatic: Liberal Democrats surge ahead on Super Snogs

Flirtomatic, the Great British mobile flirting success story has been running a general election poll. (If you're not up on British politics, there's...

Has anyone used their mobile on Oman Air yet?

I saw the above add when I was having a look at The Times this morning. Quite apart from the fact that the...

VoxSciences will keep SpinVox users connected

After my post yesterday about HulloMail, SpinVox users about to be switched off might like to check out the voice-to-text service from VoxSciences. ...

Thanks, ipadio!

The ipadio team have very kindly placed my latest phlogs (phone-blogs) on their frontpage today: Have you been listening in? I've had quite...

KangoGift: Instant real gifts by mobile phone

I picked up a story from Iconoculture about KangoGift this afternoon. Here's how they describe it: * Beta site KangoGift is now providing the...

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