What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

Tag: skype

James Whatley on the importance of ecosystems

Whatley is back this week with his perspective on ecosystems -- a word that's increasingly being integrated into the marketing communications of almost every...

Please recommend a decent USB-headset to replace this rubbish one!

Help me, help me. My USB headset is rubbish. Absolutely dire. It's made by Gigaware and, if memory serves, I bought it for an outrageous...

Windows Phone 7 Skype issue, and the way around it

Reviewing the Samsung Omnia 7 recently I was surprised to come across several shortcomings, one of which is the Skype support. In short Skype...

mjelly.com mobile 2.0 service of the week – signing off with a retrospective

Hello Hello what's going on? what's all this shouting? James from mjelly here at Mobile Industry Review. Sadly, this is the last chance for me to...

The INQ 1- Student Perspective Part 2

Last week I covered the basics of the INQ1 now I am going to be looking in depth at the applications in particular the...

Skype: Am I missing something?

I am currently reviwing the INQ 1,  and it has a inbuilt Skype client which is heavily promoted in its advertising and some would...

Opinion: The INQ1 — 3rd attempt at a Skype-friendly handset?

Michael Aubert knows a thing or two about Symbian, given that he -- literally -- wrote the book on Mastering C++ in Mobile Development. Michael...

INQ1Watch: Reasons behind the phone – 1,2,3

In wrapping up the coverage from the launch event, we thought we‘d bring you some of the thinking and reasoning passed along to us...

INQ1Watch: The first ever Facebook phone is here

Launched at a design studio in Shoreditch East London, 3's social networking mobile phone arrives on the scene. It's packed to rafters with...

3 and Skype

The Sunday Times picked up the story that 3 is planning to add SkypeOut to their Skypephone package, on top of the existing Skype...

Mobile Industry Review Show – Episode 22

http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=1587211&server=www.vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=00ADEF&fullscreen=1 Mobile Industry Review Show - Episode 22 from Mobile Industry Review on Vimeo. This week we're bringing you an absolute WHOPPER of a show. ...

3 Skypephone S2 now in the wild

If you want to get your hands on 3's Skypephone S2, the operator's already taking pre-orders for the device through its website, and it...

Skype for Windows Mobile Focus Group

If you have Skype, and Windows Mobile, this may just be your cup of tea. We're always trying to come up with ways we can...

Mobile Skype ready for testing on Java phones

After flirting with mobile VoIP for a while, Skype looks like it's about to get properly stuck in. The company's announced that it's brought...

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