What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

Tag: Uncategorized

Bluetooth Keyfob that prevents you from losing your phone

Jonathan Morris over at What Mobile has written an interesting post about a new gadget that will be hitting the shops early next year! Bluetooth...

Meteor reaches 1 million customers

A lot of the content here at MIR especially regarding the networks is heavily UK oriented, however I picked this up in my news...

Review: Teleware PMN Rapid Deployment Unit (RDU)

If you're a true telecoms geek (and lets face it, if you're reading MIR, you're well on your way) then you've thought, nay dreamed,...

Aussie cops ask for cameraphone evidence

According to Aussie reports, cops in New South Wales are asking the public to submit photos or videos of crimes captured on cameraphones to...

Nokia beats Qualcomm in UK court fight

Nokia has bested Qualcomm in the ongoing fight over patents here in Blighty. A high court judge yesterday ruled the disputed Qualcomm GSM patents...

BT shedding more mobile customers

According to The Times, BT's mobile users are at an all time low. Not in the emotional sense, just numerically. The paper says that there...

Judge Rules in Broadcom vs. Qualcomm

A Federal California judge has ruled in the patent infringement case between Broadcom and Qualcomm. Broadcom claims that Qualcomm is infringing on three patents,...

The iPhone Is NOT The Best Music Phone

I've recently gotten my mitts on a 4GB iPhone for testing and because I'm a geek. I've been playing with it for a few...

MyStrands and MTV Hooked Up For New Years

Over at the MyStrands blog, they've announced the cool news that they've hooked it up with MTV for the New Years 2007 celebration in...

Verizon Feeling Green This Season

Verizon Wireless wants your old useless handset this holiday season. They're calling out to anyone who found a new mobile in their stocking this...

Mobile Gaming Is Getting Innovative

I'm fascinated with the idea of mobile gaming, and fully believe that it's a massive market opportunity. I'm seeing more and more ways to...

Welcome To The No-Cell Zone

I spent this past weekend in Abilene, TX, at my fiance's grandparent's house. They live slightly out of town, on the lake. I was...

Spinvox Missing a Speechmobber

Regular SMS Text News contributor and SpinVox employee James Whatley gave me a nudge this morning telling me that the SpinVox blog may be...

Yahoo Mobilizes in Latin America

Yahoo! has announced a partnership with America Movil to bring mobile services to customers across 16 countries in Latin America. America Movil will be...

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