What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

Tag: windows phone

Who will win the smartphone OS war?

Here at Mobile Industry Review, we like to keep on top of the latest facts and figures in terms of smartphone and mobile operating system...

The outlook for Windows Phone in 2015

Windows Phone is entering a critical stage once more in 2015. Last year, Microsoft acquired Nokia's hardware division and launched a preview of the next version of...

The best smartphones of the past decade

Back in 2004, Android and iOS didn't exist, Nokia was at the pinnacle of its stranglehold on the industry and the 3G network revolution had only just begun. In the...

Does the “app gap” matter?

What is the app gap? Many people with a smartphone will have heard the words "app gap" when talking about the app stores from each of the...

Microsoft Lumia ditches the Nokia brand

Nokia Smartphones are dead, long live Microsoft Lumia It makes a refreshing change to write about Microsoft, Lumia and Windows Phone because it gives us an excuse to...

Android is far too unpredictable for my business critical use

The latest version of Android is still driving me round the bend. You’d have thought they’d have fixed all this nonsense after many iterations. As...

It’s official! I’ve got my own @O2 Brian Blessed voicemail recording

[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/76957745" params="" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /] Only last night I was writing about @O2's smart marketing campaign for HTC's Windows Phone 8 devices featuring...

Absolutely unbelievable: Google pulls out of mobile; Sells Android to Microsoft & Nokia consortium for $88.2 billion! [April Fools!]

Silicon Valley is in shock this morning with the news that Google has quit the mobile industry. The dramatic move comes at a time...

Is Nokia’s rehabilitation in the Western Media complete?

Was it this time last year that Nokia was burning? I had to check through the Mobile Industry Review archives just to be sure!...

Chevron for WP7 should get geek heads turning

Microsoft smartly jumped straight into bed with the team of developers who got together to try and make it easy to hack (or, to...

Nokia World: I haven’t seen this much excitement for a long time

I've been in and out of meetings today and I've been taking the temperature of the UK tech marketplace at each one. I'm surprised...

By 2015, Windows Phone will lead iOS — Gartner, IDC

I don't agree with all the text in this piece from TechCrunch -- not least because of the focus on HTC and hardly any...

Anyone fancy the deal to build 300 apps for Nokia?

I'm sure there's a lot of executives reading who wouldn't mind the contract to build 300 apps for Nokia. Alas the opportunity has been snapped...

“First look” at Nokia’s N9-style Windows Phone – exciting!

The video below apparently came from the Far East. It purports to show a Nokia N9-styled device operating Windows Phone 7. Matt over at...

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