
Taking mobile phone pictures in UK shopping malls means you're probably a paedophile

You know it’s got a little bit crazy in the United Kingdom when mall security guards have stopped worrying about pickpockets and shoplifters in order to focus on parents taking mobile phone pictures of their children. Or at least, that appears to be the case if you’re stupid enough to shop at the Bridges Shopping Centre in Sunderland.

Sky News reports this incident today:

Kevin Geraghty-Shewan had taken four-year-old Ben to the Bridges Shopping Centre in Sunderland to spend £10 the boy had been given as a treat.

He told Sky News: “Ben spotted a children’s ride which had a train on it and wanted to have a go because he’s obsessed with trains.

“When he got on my wife suggested we take a picture of him.

“I took the picture on my phone and suddenly this security guard came up and told me it wasn’t allowed because I could be a paedophile.

“I told him Ben was my own son. But he said I couldn’t prove it. He said there is a real problem with paedophiles and that if I didn’t like it, he’d call the manager.

The centre employees apparently then called the Police who approached Mr Geraghty-Shewan and threatened to delete the photos. Until Mr Geraghty-Shewan put his foot down.

What an absolutely ridiculous occurrence. Absolutely ridiculous. I’d have done exactly as Mr Geraghty-Shewan did and made it utterly clear that the security guards — and the Police — could mind their own sodding business.

Surely it’s possible to tell the difference between a dad taking a picture of his son and some dodgy looking guy taking pictures of any children?

I trust this incident will cause a correction to the policies of the security guards at The Bridges Shopping Mall.