My Top 7 Apps: Naresh Chouhan of Truphone

Today we have another Top 7 Apps submission and this one is from Naresh Chouhan, Director of Marketing at Truphone. Here’s a quick overview from their website:
Truphone is the world’s first mobile network without country borders. The company’s mission is simple: deliver an outstanding international mobile experience to businesses around the world. That means excellent call quality, fast data speeds, reliable connections, predictable costs, and unparalleled customer service at home and abroad.
Naresh uses a Google Nexus 5, and also an iPad mini. Let’s take a look through his Top 7 apps…
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Email: A necessary evil but life just wouldn’t be complete without a massively overflowing inbox.
Train Times: As a daily commuter into London, and a control freak, I don’t like to leave it any part-nationalised organisation to govern my travelling schedule and decide when I can finally get home. This app is a daily essential!
Spotify: I am passionate about music and particularly new British artists. I waste far too many hours pressing the ‘Discover’ button on the Spotify app….
WeightWatchers: Being a real foodie – and I do mean a real foodie — I have to keep an eye on what I eat. It’s taken me years to develop my one-pack and I like to keep on top of it.
Strava: I’ve taken up cycling (it’s the new golf after all!). I like the social and challenge-based aspects of this app, which allows me to see how well friends and family are doing. It also gives me a sense of achievement in my training.
WindGuru: Being a keen kitesurfer I always keep one eye on the ever-changing weather conditions in the UK, and when I get a spare minute I can dream about how to get out on the water at the weekend.
Diary: I have zero control over what gets put into my diary these days but I have to be a complete slave to it. I also have no concept of organising things in the future, so my thankfully wife makes sure that all important social events — family and friends’ birthdays etc. — are in my diary so that I have absolutely no excuse!
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Thanks to Naresh for his list of apps. The Train Times app has helped me so many times when I’m travelling, so much quicker than waiting at those boards at stations!
If you’d like to contribute your Top 7 Apps or if you are the PR representing someone you’d like to see featured, everything you need to know about participating is right here.