My Top 7 apps: Sean Ritchie of the Sable Group

I am back with another Top 7 apps piece. This week we have Sean Ritchie from Sable.
Sable is a UK-based financial services company with offices in South Africa, Australia and Hong Kong. With a strong focus on helping people develop and grow their international presence through a wide range of wealth, currency, business and nationality services, Sable prides itself on creating personalised solutions and building long-term relationships with their clients.
Digital and Brand Manager Sean Ritchie keeps the company’s marketing efforts on-track, and finds some time to hit the trails on the weekend (given that he lives in Cape Town, it would border on sacrilege if he didn’t).
Let’s have a look through his list
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Evernote: I wouldn’t be able to get through my day without Evernote. It’s my go-to for to-do lists, notes, reminders and scheduling. I’m not a huge fan of their web interface, but their mobile and desktop apps are solid. While there are a ton of note-taking services around these days, I keep on coming back to Evernote due to its core usability.
Pocket Casts: In the last few years I have become hopelessly addicted to podcasts. I listen to them while I am driving, while I am exercising, at home and when I work. Pocket Casts is a fantastic app that syncs across mobile and web to keep track of all your podcasts. You can pick up exactly where you left off across platforms. A few I recommend include Freakonomics, 99% Invisible, Hardcore History, Planet Money, This American Life and the Tim Ferris Show.
Feedly: With the volume of information pouring out of the web it can be difficult to keep up with everything that’s going on between industry and personal interests. Feedly is an RSS reader that allows you to separate sites into categories and select between headline, snippets and full article views. It means I can quickly scan across dozens of sites to see if there is anything relevant.
Pocket: You come across a lot of content during the day that looks interesting, but you don’t have time to look through it right then and there. Pocket allows you to save and tag any page off the web to read later. Beyond reading articles, its easy categorisation system makes it a fantastic tool for amassing a collection of examples and resources for work
TripAdvisor: I love travelling and exploring new places. For the last few years, TripAdvisor has been a key tool to find places to stay and eat that I know I will love. The user reviews give you a great indication on whether it’s the right spot for you. You do need to know how to decode them though. Sometimes people give bad reviews, but what they’re complaining about is more due to their personality than the place itself.
Reddit: Calling themselves the front page of the internet, Reddit is the place to find communities and news on any topic you can imagine. I use it to follow a few personal interests and for relaxation. One of the best features are the “Ask Me Anything” live Q&A sessions, which has seen President Obama, Bill Gates, David Attenborough and Edward Snowden stop by.
Twitter: I am not personally very active on Twitter, but this is hands-down the best place to follow and find breaking and real-time news. You can see its influence in places such as The Guardian’s livefeed. Twitter gives you an all-round over-view of things as they happen. While the company is struggling with defining their platform, I think they will find a home in real-time news.
Wrike: Wrike is the project management tool the Brand team uses to keep track of all our current and future work. It also allows us to collaborate with different business managers and stakeholders, which is very valuable for a company our size. Their mobile app does a great job of presenting the same desktop functionality in a smaller format. Very useful for when you need to check on projects when you’re on the go.
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Really good list of useful apps, my favourites are definitely Evernote and Pocket. I’ve never come across Wrike before but that is definitely one for me to check out.
Thanks to Sean for his list of apps. You can find out more about Sable on their website, facebook, twitter and LinkedIn.
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