
We love you, Steve

Stephen Fry, that is. Not Steve Jobs. While Mr Jobs does a nice line in ‘one more thing,’ I’m talking Stephen Fry.

Ever since Stephen Fry was outed as a mobile geek of the first order, I’ve been following his blog. Did you catch his latest piece on SpinVox? If you didn’t, here it is. As with anything originating from Mr Fry’s keyboard, it’s a super piece.

Congrats SpinVox.

Reader Mark picked up the post also and sent me a note thus:

Interestingly though, the comments have sparked something of a debate about how much of the service is actually automated voice recognition and how much human transcription…

SpinVox do have a back-up team of humans to help their system learn strange and weird phrases (my accent isn’t the easiest to identify, I’m sure) but they’re just there to augment the technology.