Who's loving the Blackberry Storm then?
That’s the Blackberry Storm been out for a little while now. Who’s got one — and kept it? Anyone reading?
The device itself wasn’t for me. I really didn’t like the keyboard — and I felt the build quality wasn’t necessarily up my street either.
That said, I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed the massive screen. I was quite impressed to find the Blackberry App Store on board.
But otherwise, it didn’t ‘work’ for me. And it’s a similar story when I talk to others, particularly in big business. There’s a lot of people I could name who’ve ordered Storms — hoping for something pretty significant — only to spend 3 minutes with it and swap back to their Curve or 8800 series device. Or ‘wait and get a Bold’.
All doesn’t look entirely well in the state of Denmark Blackberry. I wonder what their next trick will be.
So, got a Storm? How’s it performing for you?