What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

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Ever since my dad brought home an...

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How did you buy your latest phone?...

Mobile Industry Review Show – Episode 19 from Brighton

Mobile Industry Review Show – 19 from Ewan MacLeod on Vimeo.

Here, then, is Mobile Industry Review on location.

Yes! This Saturday, we headed down to sunny Brighton on the south coast of England, to visit the inaugural social media cafe (“Tuttle Club”) establishing itself in the town.

We’ve got a packed episode of pure joy for you, featuring: –

* Quick overview of the Mobile Industry Review awards, James Whatley with Ewan Macleod ( 01:24 )
* Brief news and comment on the week’s events, Ben Smith and Dan Lane ( 02:12 )
* Lastminute’s FoneFood service, Ben Smith ( 02:44 )
* Twitter News ( 03:22 )
* Josh Russell interview at the Tuttle Club Social Media Cafe, Brighton ( 03:52 )
* A normob-walkabout at the Tuttle Club (ft our very own, ubiquitous James Whatley) – ( 05:39 )
* Sony Ericsson News ( 07:36 )
* TwistedCarbon‘s Bluetooth Speakerphone (direct link to buy) – ( 07:55 )
* The Uber Geek Q&A – coming next week, Dan Lane ( 09:53 )
* Apple iPhone simply isn’t business critical: Discuss. With a focus on email. ( 10:28 )
* Orange mobile data… woe! ( 16:12 )
* Ben Smith will be going to Beijing ( 19:20 )
* Shout-outs ( 21:03 )
* Competition and competition results! ( 21:53 )


Get the audio version here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MIRmain

You can grab the 3GP feed here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MIR3gp

And the mammoth 100mb+ video version here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MIRvideo


  1. props, the evolution of this podcast has been fun to watch. this is really some awesome stuff, makes me wish i was in London. looks like all the cool things in mobile are happening there!

  2. Kip, I suspect it's just being uploaded now – all the various formats result in quite large files and Mr MacLeod's on the end of some pretty thin 'wet string' at the moment….

  3. You're welcome to come and join us on the show anytime 😉

    …and thanks for the feedback too – we genuinely really, really want as much as possible.
    This show is for you guys after all, y'know?


  4. Nice one. Might be an idea to get mics for each of you so you don't need to keep passing them around.

    Perhaps you need to get some UGC to integrate with the main video?

    Good stuff.

  5. All are welcome. Next week has a special guest, but we'll issue an invite for the next 'general' one and see if we can't get a few local viewers along.

  6. Great show. In regards to the iPhone troubles with e-mail and how it is not business critical yet, does the blame fall more with the device itself or the networks that's being used? Looking forward to the next show

  7. This show was brilliant guys! As informative as it is I find it hilarious. About going to China. I was there two weeks ago and one very helpful and practical service was a language translation service that was being used by students at the university campus I was staying at. I stayed with a chinese family for a day and it proved extremely useful.

  8. Loving the podcast roundabout bit with Ben “I've got a degree you know” Smith

    Also Dan's “That'll be me James Whatley” bit was kewell

    So the iPhone then – sounds like it's kinda pants – get a normal phone and iTouch – Nice

    I did tell you about those pens in the car – didn't I???

  9. Another great show guys – going from strength to strength, and making this a 'must-see' for me these days. Interesting to see James' encyclopedaic knowledge in action on the handset recognition front!

  10. Ah Mr MacLeod… you git… you left my 'right of reply FAIL' in… 🙂

    For those interested a quick post-mortem revealed that it didn't push because I had turned the feature off earlier for something else I was writing… I'll be back.

  11. See… everyone loves free stuff. Kip Hakes gets the pens because he asked nicely first. I'll try to have some more stuff for next week… Perhaps a bit more exciting than pens though 🙂

  12. It is all very well slating email on the iPhone but you dont compare it with anything else. I have an old iphone and I dont know of any device's email app that comes close, certainly none of the Nokia's I have ever used. I could go out and try every phone on the market but that is kind of what I hope you guys can do.

    NB The number of posts on this site seems to be inversely proportional to the number of contributors.

    Nice show though.

  13. Afraid they've already gone, but we'll have more stuff soon. They're not 'great', but Etymotics were good enough to give us them so why not share the love?

  14. I finally caught up with the Video Podcat over the weekend and then caught this one this morning. *Such* a great job. There was a serious lack of good Mobile related podcasts at the beginning of the year so MIR podcast is a welcome addition. Thanks for setting the standard so high guys, looking forward to the next episode.

    Oh and as for the podcast, I object to being called a Normob (I was the one with the iPhone 3G @ Brighton Tuttle in the video) 😉 and that post I mentioned about the iPhone is up at MM2 if anyone is interested…


  15. You're right, we'll compare in future. I didn't help with the production
    though — I forgot to bring my Blackberry. I think the piece stands on it's
    own two feet though — what you saw there was me trying to send a mail to
    Ben via my iPhone…

  16. Very nice show! The best of all podcasts (with video). The good news is the shows keep getting better and better. Can't wait to hear the feedbacks when you're all back to London.

    If I could, I would send the MIR feed link to the marketing guys at
    B-T-R…(Thanks for feeling sorry for me as I happen to be a “happy canadian mobile user” …total irony as those words can't go in the same sentence) to wake them up.
    Huuumm, I should also put some banners on street light poles to tell canadian customers to visit the web site for trusted mobile industry review.

    Well done guys and MIR have made it up to #1 on the list of my mobile industry related feed.

  17. AJ – Agreed and I screwed up the 'repost' by not having push switched on. The iPhone has a good few problems (battery, crashing apps), but I think e-mail is actually one of the better experiences. Ewan's going to argue that the Blackberry does it better and although I've never been a BB user, I expect he could well be right, but it comes at a cost (for enterprise users who need a special server) or relies on BIS in 'consumer' mode which has been unreliable, ties you to a special BB tariff with your operator often and looks like arse (IMHO excepting the Bold possibly).

  18. With a non-standard SIM in (that we have't fully gauged reliability of), on an overloaded WiFi (with 35 other geeks pounding it), in a poor signal area (granted may be the phone's fault) and with an idiot trying to prove you wrong without checking his own phone settings first 🙂

  19. Hey, another great podcast, guys! And thanks for the shout out! My website is not nseries.com, cause Nokia wanted that one for some reason. The Nokia Daily News lives at nseriesUS.com

    About the iphone push tests… Didn't Ben say there was no signal? This might not work so well, yeah? I would liked to have seen the iPhone vs another device with real push to see which received the message first. Graphics are great, out takes are great. Slamming UK carriers might be a bit… locallized, but certainly of interest to UK users.

    Personally, I'd like to see more drinkin and cussin. Ewan, lemme know when you're in San Francisco. I'll buy you a pint!


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