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Orange’s Pay As You Go Blackberry Service – more details

Following up on our post a few weeks back about Orange’s Pay As You Go Blackberry service, we’ve got confirmed details from Orange.

Kudos to Conor Maples in the Orange Comms Team who dropped me the details:

From early February, Orange will be the first operator in the UK to offer BlackBerry on Pay As You Go so we’re really looking forward to hearing what customers think.

The handset will cost £145, and the monthly BlackBerry Internet Service will cost £5. We will also have a colour exclusive of the Pearl in indigo.

Now that sounds like a fair deal to me.

Yes the handset’s a bit expensive — but it’s comparable to your average ‘decent handset’ PAYG cost. And the fiver-per-month for service is extremely, extremely competitive.

You’ll be able to get this with a Blackberry Pearl 8120 (coming exclusively in the colour of indigo). This, I think, might be the very device here:

Watch out on the Orange site (direct link) for full details come early February.

Nice one Orange: A good bit of service innovation.


  1. Does that £5 include your browsing, etc? Or just email?

    That'd be pretty interesting and is getting close to a mass market data service.

  2. Cool. 3UK and T-Mob do something around £5 a month all-in for handset data.

    That seems a good level, and there are several easy ways to set up mobile email these days. Still, the Blackberry service and device might attract some small premium.

    It'd be great if Orange could pull off something that people really want and see as a good deal. For too long it has been looking for an unjustfied premiuum and did not appeal to customers because of it. I blame the France Telecom accountants in head office.

  3. Does that £5 include your browsing, etc? Or just email?

    That'd be pretty interesting and is getting close to a mass market data service.

  4. Cool. 3UK and T-Mob do something around £5 a month all-in for handset data.

    That seems a good level, and there are several easy ways to set up mobile email these days. Still, the Blackberry service and device might attract some small premium.

    It'd be great if Orange could pull off something that people really want and see as a good deal. For too long it has been looking for an unjustfied premium and did not appeal to customers because of it. I blame the France Telecom accountants in head office.


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