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Palm Pre has apparently sold just 220 units in Ireland

You know things aren’t going too well for Palm when a heavyweight industry source gives you a call to say ‘you’ll never believe this’.

I always have to steady myself just in case it’s something shocking. You know, like ‘Larry Page has just bought Vodafone — he reckons it’ll be quicker’.

Today, though, the call was about the Palm Pre’s performance in Ireland. It seems the Irish haven’t taken to the old Pre. My source reckons that a whopping 220 units have been sold since launch. Now, the launch date was October 16. So it’s been out for roughly 85 days or about 12 weeks. So on that basis, o2 Ireland have sold about 16 Palm Pre devices per week since launch. Or 2.3 Palm Pre units per day.

My source tells me that the Pre is equally as successful at o2 UK. Surely not? Can this be accurate? Does anyone know differently?


  1. The palm pre doesn’t fit into the european market. It’s made for the American market which is a good few years behind Europe. I wouldn’t buy it because I can get better features in a €49 sim-free Nokia.

  2. Of course the UK is doing just as bad.

    You just have to look at the Carphone offer of 2 free flights with every phone if you want evidence.

    And who is the promoter of the offer? Palm Europe Ltd. In other words, the money is not coming out of Carphone's pockets.

    They must be desperate if they have given up selling the phone on its features.

  3. I don't ever recall seeing any serious marketing attempt in the UK from Palm. Yes, there was some half-arsed O2 adverts with the Sharpe voice over, but that was it.

    Go in any O2 shop and you are still lambasted with iPhone crap. The Pre usually sits unloved in the corner.

  4. I think the Palm Pre was priced too high without the Apple marketing muscle and brand cache. It has also been marketed badly. Should have led with the UI, gestures and non-obtrusive notifications. Stay on top of the digital lifestyle in a way that it doesn't take over your life.

    Funny thing is that now you can get a much better deal on the Pre if you know how. Get 100 pound cash back (if you look hard enough) bringing the Pre to free on an 18 month £35 per month contract and order online and they throw in a Touchstone charger. Hell, I'm very tempted.

  5. I like how their ad campaign has focused around multi-tasking calendars and address books. Yet Apple are now talking about Ikea designing, Natwest banking, Zipcar opening, TopTable booking.

    Palm have completely failed to market this device correctly. And I anticipate the spend on marketing was considerable, given how often I see the freaky girl during ad breaks.

  6. I tried to check out the Pre is a couple of o2 shops in the UK, but I've never actually seen one instore. I get the feeling that o2 isn't really pushing it at all. At least in Glasgow.

  7. I think that your source is hardly reliable. I live in a sh.thole, and have bought Pre, also friend of mine has one. So are we two accounting to 1% of the whole Irish sales? unlikely.

    Phone OS is very very good, if still in it's relative infacy. I don't know what future holds for Palm, but Pre is a good device. One of these types “more you use & know it, more you like it”

    The build quality could be better though, indeed.


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