What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

Tag: Ben Harvey

It’s a Blyk day for the industry

Sit back in your office (or arm) chairs and take a read of this week's column by our Friday regular Ben Harvey. Ben...

Ben Harvey wants to know where you are, right now

Today, Ben is wrapped in a long raincoat with spy-hat tipped strategically down over his eyes -- he wants to know where you are,...

Ben Harvey: Health warnings make me sick

There are some myths, some lies so outlandish & absurd & patently false that they linger in the mind of society simply because their...

Apple’s Steve Jobs ‘is an arse’ – Ben Harvey

This week Ben Harvey is seriously unimpressed with Steve Jobs and Apple. So deeply unimpressed was he, that he emailed his column with...

Ben Harvey on the sweetest type of jam

This week Ben Harvey examines jamming... - - - Now, I do realise this may well be a heretical thought to voice on this site,...

Ben Harvey on getting your lines crossed

We once again welcome Mr Harvey (who, weather permitting, will be at the Unlimited Drinks next week) back into his Friday afternoon armchair here...

Ben Harvey on Video Calling

This week Ben Harvey, SMS Text News Senior Friday Afternoon Industry Analyst, highlights just why video calling is, in his esteemed opinion, totally doomed. -...

Falling down…

Once again we join our regular Friday columnist Ben Harvey... I'm writing this article with my cricket-helmet on. Not because I'm playing cricket, of course...

Ben Harvey: Ban mobiles from school?

This week's column from Mr Harvey focuses on the evil of mobile phones in schools... - - - - - - God, but it's hard...

Ben Harvey never liked i-Mode

Harvey's back today with a view on i-Mode and why browsing the web on mobile is a total arse... - - - - - -...

Long-distance relationships

Ben Harvey risks castration by discussing his long-distance text relationship with a girl called Charlie. Let's hope she doesn't Google him and find what he's...

It’s a boy/girl thing

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, and Ben Harvey is possibly from a small planet in the vicinity of Beetlejuice. This week,...

Drowned in Sound at Glastonbury

Ben Harvey, with his SMS Text News reporter badge covered in mud, has managed to transmit his latest Friday column to us from a...

Ben Harvey: Drawing the line

Ben Harvey returns this week clutching his big book of Sunrise Times after dancing with the druids at Stonehenge. - - - - - -...

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