What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

Tag: ios

Getting Started with: iOS

Apple’s iOS and the devices it accompanies are hugely important in the mobile market. Though its market share is more limited than its rival,...

Wrike mobile apps: on-the-go project management

Mobile Industry Review readers are a busy bunch of people, and no doubt many of you need to manage complex projects and teams of...

Record iOS sales in China, plus latest smartphone OS statistics

With all the industry giants reporting their financials and smartphone sales over the last week or two, it's a good time to take a brief...

Who will win the smartphone OS war?

Here at Mobile Industry Review, we like to keep on top of the latest facts and figures in terms of smartphone and mobile operating system...

The outlook for Windows Phone in 2015

Windows Phone is entering a critical stage once more in 2015. Last year, Microsoft acquired Nokia's hardware division and launched a preview of the next version of...

Will tablets make a comeback in 2015…?

Last year there was a lot of conjecture, and some evidence, that tablet sales were slowing. The sales figures from companies such as Apple and Samsung appear to...

The best smartphones of the past decade

Back in 2004, Android and iOS didn't exist, Nokia was at the pinnacle of its stranglehold on the industry and the 3G network revolution had only just begun. In the...

The worst technology failures of 2014

The end of 2014 will soon be upon us, and even though there is still more than a month left for some major newsworthy gaffes and...

Apple announces new iPads and Macs

"It's been way too long" Apple held its October special event yesterday to introduce its line of new iPads and Macs and as usual, it was...

Apple’s digital payments system: Amex, Visa & MasterCard

This story is flying around the marketplace at the moment (and, incidentally, getting quite a lot of traditional banks in a bit of a...

Android is far too unpredictable for my business critical use

The latest version of Android is still driving me round the bend. You’d have thought they’d have fixed all this nonsense after many iterations. As...

Turn on WiFi to improve location accuracy

iOS is beginning to grate on me. For a long time I have referred to the iPhone range as “Fisher Price” phones — an accurate,...

Here’s why the Apple Maps screw-up isn’t just a minor issue

See that image there? It was tweeted by Tomi De Lucca earlier this morning. This is the sort of thing that's going to fly around...

Panic Stations at Cupertino: Why Apple’s iOS 6.0 Maps is a multi-billion dollar problem happening right now

So, that's a long title. But it's entirely accurate. You will no doubt have noticed a wide array of publications talking about the utter horror...

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