What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

Tag: Mobile Development

BlackBerry World: Kevin Whinnery of Appcelerator announces support for BlackBerry 10

This is Momchil with a video of Kevin Whinnery of Appcelerator. Kevin Whinnery, Director of Developer Relations for Appcelerator, announces support for BlackBerry 10, which...

Need to test on the iPad but don’t have one? Talk to DeviceAnywhere!

I had a note in from the DeviceAnywhere team today to let me know that they've now added the iPad into their handset line-up...

QuickOffice on 100m+ phones: “That’s what you call reach, Mr iPhone Developer”

There's quite a lot of discussion going on at the newsletter post I published today. It always gets exciting when The Blandford gets involved...

SonicMule and every other developer should watch Nokia carefully

A tweet from Lee Williams, top man at the Symbian Foundation, pointed me to this blog post at the Wall Street Journal Online. Ty...

Video: James Lamberti of mobile advertising giant, InMobi

If you haven't heard of InMobi yet, don't worry. You will. They're coming. Having already locked up the Far Eastern markets (8 billion mobile...

Video: Parts 2-4 of Ben from Chomp (including demo)

Part 1 of Ben Keighran's interview went down very well indeed. (Ben is the Co-Founder of app discovery behemoth, Chomp). I've had...

Apple continues to dick about with App Store policies: Explicit apps might be ok now [Scratch that]

On Monday, if you were a developer of adult themed mobile apps for the iPhone platform, you were screwed. You were in the...

In the light of the 5,000 app purge, developers should take a look at RIM & Nokia

All of the developers I've spoken to this evening about Apple's '5,000 app purge' have spoken on condition of anonymity. Nobody wants to...

Apple’s dumping of 5,000 applications is really annoying developers

I've been taking the temperature of the mobile developers around the world on the news that Apple has -- as TechCrunch reports -- decided...

Ideaworks: 1-click porting to iPhone, Android, Symbian, WinMo, Brew & Maemo

Have you come across Ideaworks? No? Definitely take a look. Last October they launched a PC version of their cross-platform mobile application software...

Parrot AR.Drone: Crying out for your mobile development attention!

Whenever I'm briefing device manufacturers -- you know, standing in front of 30 product managers and jumping up in down in front of a...

Help: Mobile app developers needed for project

I got this marketplace enquiry in today from a regular reader who's hunting for assistance in the mobile applications space. Can you...

Help: Mobile Developer Sentiment Survey

Are you a mobile developer? I'd like you to take 120 seconds to click a few options on this Mobile Industry Review survey...

Vodafone’s hiring an Apps Business Developer: Oh dear

I've got a ton of keywords that Google hunts for me -- and this morning, this page showed up. It might be useful...

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