What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

Tag: money

BuzzCity’s mobile money research: 90% have purchased via mobile

Mobile media company, published a report on mobile money recently, based on research they did across their rather sizeable worldwide audience. In case...

Got 60 friends? Spell out a message with Google Latitude

I came across this rather nifty proof-of-concept video from the Google Latitude team. Latitude, if you’re not familiar with it, is an add-on to Google Maps that (amongst other features) overlays an avatar of your friends on Google Maps. So if you’re out-and-about you can see their location.

Two Weeks and Nothing?

I've been away for a week (because I moved house); and it's all been a bit hectic! Unfortunately I didn't have the internet for...

Is 2.5% enough?

I need not point out the current economic climate to any one of you; the news is bombarded with stories highlighting the latest business...

Use your mobile as your Oyster card!

That is just one idea that has been floating around Mobile Industry Review for sometime; and it seems like after a trial period, people...

Mobile Networks… You’ll never cease to amaze me!

I’m being serious here. Since my time here as Mobile Industry Review I’ve read hundreds of news articles on the latest goings on with...

Obopay lands $20m for mobile payments

Mobile payments company Obopay has nabbed a four round of funding worth $20 million from the likes of Essar Communications Holdings Limited, leading the...

816 million mobile bankers by 2010

Mobile banking is set to skyrocket, according to mobile analysts Juniper Research, with 816 million of us using mobile banking services by 2011, a...

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