What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

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Tag: sprint

Palm Pre: 8GB on board; 3mp camera

The specs are officially up for the Palm Pre. Sprint went live with the details today according to MobileCrunch. I popped over to the...

Palm Pre Rumored to be Exclusively Heading to Best Buy

You know it's a popular phone when barely days after its announcement, rumors start springing up about its release.  A "credible source" tells WebOS Arena,...

My Sprint Samsung ACE works on Vodafone UK

I can't tell you how pleased I am that my newest handset purchase -- the Samsung ACE from Sprint -- works perfectly fine on...

Sprint is the first US carrier to launch Blue Mobile

Blue Systems' Blue Mobile real-time mobile (Blackberry/WinMob) financial information service will shortly be available to Sprint customers. Right on! What a deal...

Sprint ready to offload Nextel’s iDen

According to Reuters, the latest twist in the saga that is Sprint is set to get rid of the iDen network it picked up...

Sprint’s WiMax now ready for lift-off

Could this really be the green light we've been waiting for? It looks like, after all the delays and to-ing and fro-ing with partner...

Clearwire, Sprint give birth to new WiMax venture

It looks like there's life in US WiMax yet. US providers Clearwire and SprintNextel have agreed to combine their WiMax networks into a new...

Deutsche Telekom to buy Sprint?

According to German paper Der Spiegel, Deutsche Telekom is considering going shopping and acquiring US carrier Sprint Nextel, with a view to merging it...

Sprint adds MySpace to its friends

Sprint is obviously feeling generous these days - it's giving away free mobile access to MySpace Mobile on all web-enabled phones - which it...

Sprint Openwaves hello to better mobile browsing

Apple iPhone users may be consuming data like it's going out of fashion, but they're a tiny minority of mobile users. What about the...

Sprint gives Windows Mobiles a speed bump with Rev A

Sprint users who have a fondness for Windows Mobile devices will soon be getting a bump in mobile data speeds: the US operator has...

Sprint: looking at Deutsche buy, Nextel spin off?

Rumour mills are great fun. And there's been some great rumours coming out of the US mobile industry in the last couple of days,...

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