future The Future of Screen Technology - The Astonishing Tribe A rather stimulating video from The Astonishing Tribe. I picked it up
cheryl goodman Video: Qualcomm’s Mirasol screen display technology During a walkabout of the Uplinq Soutions Showcase floor, I bumped into
Apple Got 60 friends? Spell out a message with Google Latitude I came across this rather nifty proof-of-concept video from the Google Latitude
Annoying Failed by my technology on the way to Prague We took MIR TV to Prague over the weekend. It’s a
3G Nokia to support all the proposed 3G standards in China Finnish mobile phone manufacturer Nokia, which has a good 42% market share
CTIA CTIA: Sybase 365 announces International MMS delivery hub Sybase 365, the subsidiary of Sybase, Inc, the global leader in mobile
News Zambians mourn President's death over SMS Text messages are cool, aren’t they? Expressing yourself in words and