What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

Tag: 3UK

3UK ‘e-bill’ text message notification FAIL

Stephen Davies isn't that impressed with 3UK this morning. Have a read of his Twitter message: Three Mobile 'e-bills' FAIL. Text message with link...

INQ1 hits 3UK today. £79.99. Get one!

The INQ1 is available today. COME ON! From the 3UK release: INQ1 will be available free on a contract tariff from £15 per month offering unlimited...

3UK spoof’s T-Mobile UK’s hand-up-cow’s-arse commercial

Heh. Got a moment? I've got a Youtube video for you. Here's the first screen: If you've got a moment, watch the full vid... http://www.youtube.com/v/KGlcZkFx_Nc&hl=en&fs=1

Comes With Music hits 3UK

3UK, previously one of the top electronic music retailers in the UK after iTunes, is embracing Nokia's Comes With Music offering. Interestingly, it's hitting...

3UK launches real-time in-video advertising

Despite getting rightly beaten up by colleague Ben Smith (regarding their rather appalling 3G / WiFi Router), we've got some good things to say...

3UK are set to launch a new unlimited package

Over at Mobile News they are reporting that 3UK are set to launch a new unlimited package at £15. Unlimited calls, texts to 3 customers...

Orange adds another ethnic MVNO to its bag

It seems that Orange not being content with its deal with Lyca Mobile, has just signed another ethnic MVNO to its collection GlobalCell. GlobalCell...

3UK are on a mission. In other news, I almost beat the crap out of the mainstream media today.

I appreciate it. I appreciate all the work that the marketing and public relations teams do for product launches and things like this. Today's event with...

Quick demo of 3UK web access working

A few international readers have emailed me over the last week or so asking about 3. In particular, Kevin wanted to know 'what...

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