What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

Tag: Blyk

Bye Bye Blyk. Again.

Are 'yoof' targetted MVNO Blyk shutting down in the UK? Yes they are. But then they weren't. But now they are. We think. Just before...

Blyk ink exclusive deal with Vodafone

Remember Blyk, the 'yoof' ad-funded mobile service? Last thing we heard they were rumoured to be shutting up shop - but it turned out...

BlykWatch: Swap to £15 credit winds up some users

Those of you who are regular readers of the site will know that I covered a series on the site known as BlykWatch, which...

The Highs and Lows of 2008.

What an interesting year! Since I joined the formerly SMS Text News/MIR team in July of this year, a lot has happened. But there has...

Blyk to launch a content portal

As resident BlykWatcher here at Mobile Industry Review, I felt it important to bring you the following update; from newmediaage Ad-funded MVNO Blyk is rolling out...

Apprantly you can get loads of student deals at Phones 4u

According to Mobile Today, Phones 4u have stepped up the game in the bid to target students and are offering deals such as offering...

Blyk appoints a CEO for Belgium

I know we said we're not generally talking much about Blyk anymore here on the site unless there's news... well, here's a little bit....

Blyk reaches 200,000 members in the UK

200,000 members in one year of going live, Blyk has added 100,000 since April this year. Impressive figures, but the figure I would be much...

Oh no… Not another Blyk!

It has been reported that Comtel, an Australian telecom firm is to launch SMSpup: Mobile, an MNVO offering subsidised tariffs in return for adverts. Unlike...

Blyk – The End is nigh.

Blyk and I are now officially no more. I thought that maybe there was a chance of reconciliation, I was severely misled, and quite...

Blyk: third time (un)lucky.

I haven't done an update on the loveliness, that isn't Blyk in a while; and so, I thought, today I would. I mean, what...

Youth: Mobile Marketing, will it work?

No, this isn’t a rant about Blyk. So don’t worry. This is a look at how I think mobile marketing is being put to...

Blyk, look what you made me resort to!

Please remind me why I am a member of Blyk. I swear, I've spent more time complaining to and about them, than I have...

How not to reassure your customers!

Some of you may recall my complain to Blyk I posted yesterday; this was directly aimed at my frustration of some of the Blyk...

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