What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

Tag: wp7

WP7: “Are you done yet”? Good series of ads from Microsoft

The chaps over at WPCentral picked up this video highlighting a new series of Windows Phone 7 video ads coming soon from Microsoft. The ads...

Come on Nokia, set the market alight!

Well it's going to be an interesting Friday. I was absolutely delighted to hear from one hugely respected source that Nokia will announce Windows...

Microsoft’s WP7 Ad Campaign: Buy Our Unsexy Phones!

Oh deary me. By all accounts, Microsoft have made themselves a nice little smartphone OS in Windows Phone 7, but alas, they are shooting themselves...

Finally Nokia is getting attention from the West

It's nice to see Nokia sentiment from the Western media temporarily switched to positive. Or at least almost-positive. You'll have no doubt been tracking...

Windows Phone team co-operating with jailbreakers

I think this can only be good news for the Windows Phone platform. I particularly like the T-Shirt (photo via the link below). Writing on...

Windows Phone 7 Skype issue, and the way around it

Reviewing the Samsung Omnia 7 recently I was surprised to come across several shortcomings, one of which is the Skype support. In short Skype...

Microsoft sells 1.5 million Windows Phones in 6 weeks: Nice!

Congratulations all round to the team at Microsoft's Windows Phone team. As I suspected, the consumer has reacted warmly to the platform's simplicity, nice...

Three’s Samsung Omnia 7 Windows Phone Rocks

Well then I've now had the Samsung Omnia 7 from Three for just under a fortnight and I'm very much enjoying the Windows Phone...

Windows Phone 7: Apple has a problem

I've generally held off commenting on Windows Phone beyond occasionally pointing out that it's conceivable the company could deliver a decent experience. I've also...

LG’s Optimus 7 range is looking nice

What a difference a few years makes, eh? 2 years ago I was going nuts at the LG Renoir launch, dismayed by the built-in...

Orange UK will handle your Windows Phone 7 needs

For years, Orange have worked closely with Microsoft (and HTC) to deliver Windows Mobile phones to the UK marketplace -- indeed I reckon I've...

First look: HTC Mozart, Windows Phone 7 hits Orange

Here's Conor from Orange UK showing off the latest HTC Mozart device that's hitting the UK on the 21st of October. It's a useful...

Windows Phone 7: Ready to rock?

My first ever Windows Mobile device was a Compaq iPaq. I really enjoyed being able to read my email on the iPaq. I used to...

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