Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

MWC: What device highlights did you miss?

So, early last week I predicted that...

Tag: Microsoft

Microsoft sells 1.5 million Windows Phones in 6 weeks: Nice!

Congratulations all round to the team at Microsoft's Windows Phone team. As I suspected, the consumer has reacted warmly to the platform's simplicity, nice...

Microsoft’s London Windows Phone launch: Stylish, upbeat, confident

I've just arrived back from the swish Microsoft Windows Phone party held tonight in London. Goodness me there's a buzz about the company. The...

Oh dear… Microsoft Windows Phone 7 is labelled a ‘disaster’

What is up with Microsoft at the moment? Recently a good colleague of mine -- who used to work there -- pointed out that...

Microsoft Kin: 503 units sold = huge screw up

I haven't done much on the Microsoft Kin as it's been focused around a small segment in North America, but goodness me, it seems...

Visual Studio to enable iPhone app development on Windows?

Gizmodo is reporting that analyst Trip Chowdhry reckons Microsoft's Steve Ballmer will be on stage with Steve Jobs briefly at the WWDC Apple Keynote...

Microsoft’s $100 billion Nokia acquisition: Absolutely unbelievable! [April Fool!]

Note: It's gone midday now in London so I want to point out that this story is an April Fool! Steve Ballmer of Microsoft got...

Microsoft considering a Palm acquisition?

This is just rumour and speculation -- but it's one of those delicious what-ifs that keep the geeks chatting long into the night. Speculation that...

I’d like to see a Wakoopa for my mobile handset

I didn’t bother signing up for Wakoopa when I heard about it a while ago. I thought it was a cool concept — track the desktop applications you’re using (along with ‘web applications’) and then publish the data to let you track what your friends are using.

At the Microsoft press conference

It's rather interesting to be standing in the middle of a Microsoft press conference on the subject of mobile. Their operating system has, historically,...

Microsoft vs Nokia

Here's a fascinating comparison between two giants, Microsoft and Nokia. Nokia holds their press conference at an unmarked chamber of commerce miles from the Mobile...

Microsoft’s very own Smartphone at MWC

The rumours of Microsoft releasing it's very own smartphone at Mobile World Congress continue apace. This week, it's Doug Freedman of Broadpoint AmTech -- which...

OrangePartnerCampWatch: Access platinum sponsor, where’s Microsoft

The platinum, chief, head, he who forks over the wonga for this years Orange Partner Camp is Access - the upcoming Linux OS based...

Microsoft does the iPhone

Microsoft has produce an iPhone application "Seadragon Mobile" which come out of MS Live Labs. It's a demo app which is based on their Photosynth...

RumourMill: CES 2009 – Sans Microsoft Zune mobile phone

Popular news-blog site Gizmodo has it from MS there will be no Zune phone at CES in January next year after all. Despite the rumour...

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