What’s that, a foldable iPhone you say?

I picked up this one from Wayne...

Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...


Ewan MacLeod: SXSW – where everybody knows your Twitter name (via FriendFeed)

Ewan MacLeod SXSW - where everybody knows your Twitter name March 17 at 5:50 pm - Comment - Like Convenient, unless you decided to call yourself MrSexyUnderpants or something similar.. - Ewan MacLeod

Ewan MacLeod: SXSW – where everybody knows your Twitter name (via FriendFeed)

Ewan MacLeod SXSW - where everybody knows your Twitter name March 17 at 5:50 pm - Comment - Like Convenient, unless you decided to call yourself MrSexyUnderpants or something similar.. - Ewan MacLeod

Ewan MacLeod: “TFL destroys hopes of a mobile phone/Underground relationship http://tinyurl.com/cvr5t2.” (via FriendFeed)

Ewan MacLeod “TFL destroys hopes of a mobile phone/Underground relationship http://tinyurl.com/cvr5t2.” March 17 at 5:21 pm - Comment - Like I get this; I really do -- you don't want people arsing about on their handset texting and falling off the platform... that said, I'd still like to have signal myself..

3 million – really, that’s a lot right

Flippin' 'eck! I knew they were popular but this is getting silly. In fact, analysts are suggesting that Apple could have got its figures...

Hanibal, BA, Murdoch, Face, Jobs and Woz

"In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped...

Failed to qualify, Olympics text service could do better

I'm a little frustrated by some of the technology coming out of the Olympics. I've loved watching Phelps' gold rush, Cooke's cycling gold was equally...

Will Steve turn off your iPhone apps? And what else is he hiding?

It's always the way. You charge the space fortress, breach its defenses, set a bomb in the heart of the enemy base and then...

Android leaked onto YouTube

Ok, so most leaks are truly naff, unveiled attempts at marketing. I doubt this one is though. A video has appeared on YouTube of...

Moto goes all iPhone

The industry is teaming with leaked images for iPhones. Naturally the Nokia iPhone, uh, sorry, Tube, was placed into the amazing Dark Knight batman...

Just how rich are you – would you pay £500 for a flashing light?

I'm not sure whether to laugh and enjoy the schadenfreude or feel truly sorry for a reviewer calling himself Lee5279. According to iClarify, someone has...

Another Olympic iPhone service

It's only two weeks to go until I disappear off to France for a few days. As the closing weekend of the Olympics hit...

Ooh – isn’t the iPhone a bit like Microsoft

Apples are just as naff as PCs. Now that's a statement to frustrate every last person that shows affinity with the following conversation: Them:...

Dual Sim: Please, please, please get your butts in gear on this one

Having just taken on a new role I'm having to get another mobile phone and mobile number. It's not such a big problem and, because...

Is it the holiday season already

It's now August and the kids have begun playing in the square outside my flat. Well, they do when it's not pouring down. So, I'm...

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