Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

MWC: What device highlights did you miss?

So, early last week I predicted that...


Blackberry Bold launches in Canada

My god, that's almost like... current isn't it?

Jobs Section goes live Monday!

You've been asking for it, and now you've got it. Our Jobs section of Mobile Industry Review is just about ready to go, and...

Activists promote safe sex with “Condom! Condom!” ringtones

Just caught this on Yahoo Activists promote safe sex in India with cellphone 'Condom, condom!' ring tones NEW DELHI - A cellphone ring tone that sings...

It’s ok, really, Canadians have a choice. We swear!

I just read this on the Star and seriously almost spit the water I was drinking out. Today is the first day of Bell charging...

Blykwatch – Boring, some excitement please!

Firstly I would like to correct my last Blykwatch post. I mentioned that Blyk did not provide PAC codes, I have now found out...

Telus Strikes Again

Just got forwarded this by the husband, he got it from his boss. Guys, Just went to check my phone plan (I'm pissed at Telus, but...

Skype for Windows Mobile Focus Group

If you have Skype, and Windows Mobile, this may just be your cup of tea. We're always trying to come up with ways we can...

Man has to climb hill to get signal to text for help

There was a small plane crash out in British Columbia on Sunday, horrible tragedy, 5 people were killed. One of the two men who...

Malcolm Murphy – Pocketsurfer Review

Contributor Malcolm takes a look at the Pocketsurfer. --- It's been several months since I first saw the Pocketsurfer. I was intrigued by the proposition –...

Ontario Drivers to face Cell restrictions

Link: Drivers to face cell restrictions I know it's been law in the UK for awhile, but Ontario (where I live) may be facing the...

Our man and his iPhone Battery

Our man in the Valley Mike brings us his thoughts on iPhone Battery life. Over to Mike... --- Is the iPhone 2.0 Software to Blame for Bad...

Carphone Warehouse and the effing iPhone

If you get the SMS Text News newsletter you'll have already read this rant from our friend Alex Meisl at Sponge, but we thought...

Discovering the N82: Your application suggestions please!

Ricky here, I wanted to let you know about a new miniseries I am going to be doing on SMS Text News over the...

Bell, Telus face class action lawsuit

Link: - Bell, Telus face class action over texting fee Well here's one for the "You could see that coming a mile away" category... MONTREAL...

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