Is it time to subscribe to a printer service from HP?

Ever since my dad brought home an...

What’s the best way of buying a phone today?

How did you buy your latest phone?...

MWC: What device highlights did you miss?

So, early last week I predicted that...


Has the BBC learned its texting scandal lessons?

The Olympics are nearly here. It's been four years since myself and five friends screamed ourselves at a TV as the men's coxless 4 won...

Will it blend, iPhone 3G

The boys at Blendtec came up with one of the best viral marketing ideas of all time a few years back and are always...

250 Mbps – now that’s what I call 3G

Just last week I spent a morning at Bristol's Wireless 2.0 technology show. There I spent the day in the company of experts...

Nokia calls off RIM partnership

Just as the spat with Qualcomm ends, Nokia has started another one. It really is just one big game of musical chairs for...

Crime, in the US, fraid not. Have you tried Europe?

Growing up I was forced to watch a lot of the series Due South.  My mother and sister both fancied the Mountie. Aside from slightly...

Nokia and Qualcomm stop bickering like children

You have to love it when two companies fight like children and then suddenly grow up. For as long as I can remember...

Skimming phones

Anyone that follows rowing will have known Henley Royal took place recently. That said, anyone who follows the hat circuit will also have...

iPhone in the office

I used to work for an agency that believed that Macs were better at everything.  It would spend a fortune on a Mac and...

Text speak and the teens

Rmeo. Rmeo. Wr4rt thow Rmeo. It's hardly as the bard would have put it but it seems that the criticism aimed at texting might not...

Police has £25m mobile phone budget

Now here's a contract worth winning. The British government is to spend £25 million on giving the coppers mobile phones. In terms of publicity...

Going running – send your mobile first

I think I've mentioned it before, I'm currently trialling several pieces of kit, including the Samsung Adidas phone and Nokia N82 for a feature...

Linux phone being shipped

Yes, whilst other people are getting very excited about the iPhone 3G I'm getting geeky on their ass and getting truly excited about a...

Anyone up for an iPint

As a journalist there are two things I respect and hold close to my heart, truth and beer. Actually, possibly just beer, but...

A phone in a pot

If you've read my last piece on Nokia's futurologist, Leo Kärkkäinen, you'll have seen the company is looking into medical diagnostics.  If you haven't...

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